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Having not read the whole thing (because it's hard to read due to the multiple sizes and not going straight to the point) there is a MASSIVE difference between a computer playing atari and a computer fixing any bug caused by mixing multiple mods within a complex game (at least in comparison to atari). I mean, yeah it can do the equivalent of your a bashed patch on your load order and such conflict fixes but that wouldn't be much innovation. I, in all honestly, doubt completely that a computer can understand solving multiple different issues in multiple different mods, let alone create mods by itself... WHAT?!. In my opinion, scientist will invent magic before that happens.

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Having not read the whole thing (because it's hard to read due to the multiple sizes and not going straight to the point) there is a MASSIVE difference between a computer playing atari and a computer fixing any bug caused by mixing multiple mods within a complex game (at least in comparison to atari). I mean, yeah it can do the equivalent of your a bashed patch on your load order and such conflict fixes but that wouldn't be much innovation. I, in all honestly, doubt completely that a computer can understand solving multiple different issues in multiple different mods, let alone create mods by itself... WHAT?!. In my opinion, scientist will invent magic before that happens.

it is possible and computers thanks to the fact that they are extremely logical will be far better for fixing mod conflicts then humans



Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid. Men are incredibly

slow, inaccurate and brilliant. Together the two constitute an incalculable force.
The most stupid man is infinitely more intelligent than the best computer, but the dumber computer is infinitely more logical then the smartest man.

Attributed to Albert Einstein



but not now maybe in 20 to 30 years this will be possible but until quantum computers are just experiments for NASA Google and IBM this is just impossible you would need a network with a really big amount of Supercomputers and something really complex to control them. Playing a simple game is one thing making a modpack is another.


Unrelated comment: FrankFamily i really like some of your retextures you did a great job :thumbsup: .

Edited by Project579
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cientist will invent magic before that happens.

"Magic is just science that we don't understand, yet." -Arthur C. Clark

This quote is very famous, specially after the "Thor" movie.


As Project579 was able to complement, I just want to add that computers are dumb for now, at least. AI's are developing in a really fast pace, and this is also a part of that, actually. I just don't believe in the 20-30 years thing, I believe it will be much sooner and faster than that, as we already are at an impressive rate of technological development and it gets faster by the second.


I tried using multiple sizes to get certain things more into attention and the "yadda yadda" smaller and a bit easier to speed-read, but if you guys believe it should all be the same size, I could just edit it.


On the Atari playing thing, it's not just Atari. A DNN already learned how to play a 3D racing game, play Go, look and understand what is part of a picture to "say" it to a blind person, add a painting effect to a picture, understand handwriting and many other things. The technique and technology is still developing, but fast.


If you have any edit suggestions, feel free to say it. I might not, but I do WILL consider it and if I don't, I will reply on why. As I said, this is supposed to be a conjoined effort, and it already started. You all are already helping. :happy:

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