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the fallout mod I intend to make, MFGA~


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basic fallout, with optional patches for weapon mods, with balancing or no balancing options

I shamelessly ripped some ideas from other people's mods for ideas, none of this has been done as a mod file specifically yet, but many of these are alterations I've done for personal use, the intention of this mod is to tighten up aspects of gameplay without adding a lot in the way of new things, so a lot of this will be done through values balancing not totally brand new objects, granted I also want to make heavy weapons balanced, useful, and fun throughout the game for those who's particular calling in life is to use them, while not exactly letting someone use them perpetually like bullets are candy at willy wonka's or something (you'll have to sledgehammer people sometimes to save ammo)

the intention here is to get rid of most any of the "this is a better variant of a previous version of a weapons/armour mod" stuff, I want choices to have tradeoffs, ranging from the weapon selection to the armour choice, note that these have not been tuned, they are just out of my head within 10-15 minutes of thinking, furthermore while I want later guns to be objectively better, I want lower level guns to be good in certain types of situations or for certain purposes, if one should so choose, without losing personal effectiveness in combat if you know what you're dong (double barrel being a good immediate huge chunk of damage closeup but not a good general usage weapon compared to combat shotgun)
hp scaling to 0.2 per level for NPC and PC at most, possibly none or 0.1
HP starts reasonably high, lethality is important but early game is notoriously annoying, scaling should occur in some way or another, but should not outpace weapons entirely (it makes sense that a seasoned wastelander in heavy armour would laugh at a pipegun a bit, but not at a tommy gun or even a regular hunting rifle or shotgun)
sniper perk increases hunting rifle type weapon damages by 10-20-25% and final rank increases armour penetration by 10% on top of? existing benefits
one of my goals was to make bolt action rifles much more appealing, and I intend to nerf "stealth archer" gameplay

I will have further ideas specifically revolving around theming different playstyles based on SPECIAL selection as well later
Strength should help melee, but also heavy weapons like rocket launchers and miniguns weigh less
Perception should be good for finding and hitting targets with long range weaponry as well as recognizing well hidden things
Endurance should aid and abet the various ways of survival including making how you wear armour better
Charisma should result in easier access to critical goods in a liquid fashion that others would have trouble with
Intelligence should be the DIY genius setup for pewpewpew and technological things (a paladin in fallout would want a supersledge or power fist, power armour, strength then intelligence, then some charisma and endurance) at about an 8:6:4:4 sort of ratio as it were - it will also be used for recognizing particularly worthwhile objects (to increase the value of certain things, probably should nerf the exp scaling aspect of it)

Agility should be the refuge of scoundrels, if you're trying to stab someone, steal from them, or just get out of dodge, this is it

Luck, this one's a bit of a jack of all trades, but for the purposes I have, I want it to be particularly useful to int and charisma builds, to be able to roleplay (by being forced by gameplay more or less to do so if you go down those perk paths) as a triggerman essentially, relying more on your access to cheap ammunition, spray and pray (to lady luck) your way to victory
it will still be useful for others, some sort of fighting' irish fistman with pistols and grenades build should be available for those who don't want to do the CQC solid snake perception/agility + str/end builds
automatic receivers reduce damage done by 10% and double fire rate, super fast ones reduce it by 20% but increase fire rate to about triple
light receievers make the gun much much lighter, but reduce damage by 5% and increase recoil by 20%
heavy receivers increase damage by 5% and reduce recoil by 20% but make the gun 30% heavier
hardened receivers increase damage by 10% and reduce accuracy (increase initial spread?) by 10%
powerful receivers increase damage by 20% but increase recoil by 30%
advanced receivers increase fire rate by 10%, damage by 10% requires gun nut 4 alongside other heavy investments
hair trigger receivers increase potential fire rate by 30%, reduce damage by 15% reduced recoil of 15% - available for revolvers (non-automatic form of increased firing speed)
special ammunition:
creation of ammo will be available "on the fly" through a not too heavy not too light work set, a number of the materials will be available through the various bits of junk, I intend to utilize the aspect where a junk piece that goes into making an item for its parts does not yield its extra resources to the player, this is to keep the player in a state where scrounging is a matter of immediate survival, and to eliminate the impetus to make loot hauls for minmaxers (an annoying problem I've been facing myself), furthermore a new ammunition type will exist and it will also essentially be the currency of the realm with caps and pre-war currency taking on a sort of credit card status as opposed to *just* being junk or something to sell off right away
(low tier ammunition)
nails, aka railroad rifle nails from the vanilla game but altered - weighs 0.3-4 each nail, useable in pipeguns with very cheap receiver change, easily crafted with basic steel, reduces damage by 40% but pierces 20% armour and adds 1 for 10 sec poison damage
new ammunition .22 - used and dropped as a form of currency, also used to ensure gunplay usage is always available, but receivers that use it are not very strong or good, zip guns exist for a stronger kick but reload between shots - reduces damage on receivers by 40% but does not weigh much (about as much as .38 does now or so)
different ammunnition types
(basic ammunition)
hollowpoint - increases damage by 20%, increases enemy armour by 10% (I intend to make soft targets have a bit more health, and harder targets to have even more relative armour so that these matter based on the target you're fighting, I might increase the differentials by double if I have to even)
armour piercing - reduces damage done by 10%, decreases enemy armour by 30%
incendiary - stacking fire damage 3 per second for 5 seconds, -20% damage
(elite ammunition)
explosive - increases damage done by 10%, 5 damage explosion - 30% kickback
depleted uranium - requires nuclear material and lead, 10% incresed damage, stacking bleed effect 3 for 2 seconds, 10% armour pierce
slug - single hit, 15% chance to stagger, -20% damage
birdshot - 20% increased damage, 30% increased spread 100% more pellets - 8-->16
flechette - 20% armour pierce, 2 bleed for 3 seconds stacking, weighs 0.3, 8-->5 pellets
.22 bullets weigh 0.01 current weight, are worth 2-3 caps
caps themselves weigh 0.001 each
pre-war currency goes to 75 caps each, weighs 0.02
ammunition drops go to 20% of previous, but .22 bullets drop abundantly
.38 value 1--->5
.45 value 3--->7
.308 value 3--->14
.44 value 3--->12
5mm value 1--->5
5.56 value 2--->9
10mm value 2--->7
.50 value 4--->17
2mm ECM value 10--->25
gauss rifle damage up by 1.5 (essentially an absolute killer - charge time doubled)
plasma value 5--->20
fusion cell value 3--->8
gamma round 10--->12
cryo cell 10--->12
flamer fuel 1--->3
railway spike 1-->2
harpoon 1--->6-8 (haven't tried them yet)
fusion core 200--->500
missile 25--->30 (weight 7-->3)
mini nuke 100--->100 (weight 12-->6
45-70 value 3---> 10
disable much of settlement functionality beyond basic home-making except for specific areas of importance, fort independence, sanctuary, 1-2 others possibly
settlements aside from that should be for storage of materials and goods
disable fast travel, or create a caps cost for it every time to discourage minor convenience fast travelling
retool weapon weights so that they're more convenient, ammo creation of .22 and other ammunition should be doable from a portable kit, recipe list is available ingame and able to be crafted for free at all times, the ammunition work kit weighs player down some and requires some materials but is replaceable enough to not be a pain - although making one for every settlement might be a valid option
armours and hazards:
radiation values on environments like storms and the like increased 4X, radiation resistance clothing much more useful
assault gas mask armour value increased to 5 total from 1

relative ratio of values for armours, note that these are a general guide for comparison of direction, not actual values for any particular piece, I understand that giving one thing a lot of ballistic protection can cause balance issues, and one solution is to keep beam weapons common, as well as energy damage and introduce some stuff that bypasses ballistic armour values completely (ammunition types do this a bit)

ballistic/energy/radiation/poison protection ratios
note that leather armour is light so that it should be a good designated sneak armour, with synth replacing it as a sort of endgame combat + sneak armour
leather armour - 3/5/1/2 -sneaking suit, the best at it, just make sure you get the drop you won't last in a firefight
raider armour - 5/2/1/3 - bad armour but will have other qualities to help generally make wastelander life easier
metal armour - 12/5/1/1 - very vulnerable to ulterior attacks of various sorts to offset the fact ballistic damage is so common
combat armour - 9/7/2/2 - general purpose protection, middle ground, never be caught at a pure disadvantage, never get a pure advantage either, steady goings
synth armour - 6/10/1/3 - combat sneak armour, more forgiving of mistakes, slightly easier to make them though
marine armour - 12/12/10/3 - heavy!!! essentially a less potent fusion core'less power armour
specialty armour sets - need unique and particular bonuses lending themselves towards a certain role quite heavily
these are what I've come up with so far
hunter armour - non-automatic rifles, VATS?
DC guard armour - melee, toughness, a bit of sneak
vault tech armour - very light, okay armour, aids in pistol usage
robot armour - a decent armour set that protects against physical and energy while giving some carrying capacity
(helmeted)cage armour - good radiation resist alongside decent physical and energy resist
(helmeted) spike armour - good physical resist, radiation resist, melee and/or fist damage, perhaps adds bleed and poison to fist weapons
Edited by tartarsauce2
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