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Does this script create NPC Reference?


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In my continued attempts to figure out how all of the pieces are put together in the Scripts & Quests & Packages I have the following question...


Does the script listed below create the NPC Reference or simply utilize a Reference already created? I believe it is the latter.




I have not included the code as it is the vanilla code found in "Scripts\Source\Base\Fragments\Quests\" and I was uncertain it was allowed to post the contents of the script in the forums.


If it does not create the Reference, could someone point me in the direction of how to hunt down where the NPC is "instantiated"? I have been working with the various "...Caravan..." quests, packages, and scripts trying to figure stuff out and keep missing some vital piece of the puzzle.

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Doesn't create a reference. It moves the caravan to specific markers in the current location if the player is too close to one of them. From my understanding of it, it only does this once, as once she moves to an unloaded cell, the quest stops(stage 100). I don't think this quest has what you're looking for.

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Thanks. That was my understanding. But if that is accurate, I still need to find where the Ref is created.


So does the Quest in the ESP that calls the QF_CaravanTradePOstCarla_001E07A9.psc instantiate/create the Reference or perhaps the Quest CaravanBase or its Script CaravanBaseScript? It is frustrating that something that should be obvious is stumping me so badly. Guess I'm extra rusty from my old programming days before I semi-retired and became a stay-at-home dad.


I have tried to add debug code to the Scripts, re-compiled in the CK, made sure the CK File:Preferences:Scripts=Debug but I still get no debug code out. I do verify that new output compiled scripts are created. I don't know if the CK will compile the vanilla scripts in debug or if its ignoring my settings.

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That script is self contained, it is not externally called from any other quest, other than the one it is attached to. The quest aliases however use default scripts which pull functions from the default parent scripts.. really confusing addition to papyrus.


And I maybe misunderstanding you when you ask about her being created. Carla is not created at run-time(no PlaceAtMe, PlaceActorAtMe), she is a persistent actor that is used in a few Objectreference reference properties, as is the case with said script.

I'm not much help here I know, but if you go to her actor form and right click > Use Info, that should give a list of every quest she's referenced in for you to look at.

Edited by EveningTide
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If she is a persistent actor, how is that done? I'm trying to add guards to her caravan and my guards never seem to be created even though I made them "I thought" in the same fashion as the other caravan guards. I created new NPC records. I added aliases and such in the associated quests and packages. But when I check sqv for those quests the REF for my new guards are always = NONE. Meaning I'm missing something somewhere.


And you have been a help. Sometimes just sounding things out with someone gets the brain working instead of endlessly spinning in terrible directions.

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Actually I just found a video that does a simple quest and puts an NPC in it. So combining what I saw there and your note about "rt click > Use info" it seems that Carla is put into the world space at an initial location. That must be what "instantiates" Carla thus creating her REF. That location also shows her Brahmin.


Applying the same logic, I looked up one of the caravan guards for Lucas Miller. And found a location that Lucas, his guards, and his brahmin shared.


So it seems the missing piece that I kept mangling was that I needed to add my two new guards to the worldspace. Then my other changes to quests, packages, ... should work. I'm going to go give that a try when I get a chance and see if that finally gets me working.




Tried doing so in CK and CK is such a buggy beast that keeps crashing. Though before crashing the CK was helpful with that "rt-click > Use Info" option. Opened FO4Edit and found what I believe I need in the Location=POIJeffB04Location. There are Location Cell Persistent Reference and Location Cell Unique. Both I need to add my new guards and I should be good to go.


Thanks again to EveningTide for giving me their time and inputs :)

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