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might & magic warlords project


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Hello to all me and my team at HyperGames2K8 are currently working on a new game that combines both might and magic 7 for blood and honour and heroes of might and magic series we need some support and help with this if anyone is interested got to http://www.freewebs.com/hypergames2k8/index.htm and go to the forum to sign up or use the link on the first page even if u cant help with the game and just want to leave some info in the forum or post your ideas feel free to do so
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Ahh, that brings back memories.... Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honour. Man, I used to play that game all the time. Took me a year or two to actually be able to finish it. I was level 86 when I came to the ending (which was, IMO, not that good as I thought it would be). Still, they made sequels to it too, so it might be worth looking for those too.


Anyway, this isn't a TC for Oblivion, is it? In that case, you got ALOT of work ahead of you.




By the way, that screenshot in the link, I didn't know you could actually get a Lich in you party. I tried to finish it, but I never managed to. So that's what they look like.... :thumbsup:

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Ahh, that brings back memories.... Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honour. Man, I used to play that game all the time. Took me a year or two to actually be able to finish it. I was level 86 when I came to the ending (which was, IMO, not that good as I thought it would be). Still, they made sequels to it too, so it might be worth looking for those too.


Anyway, this isn't a TC for Oblivion, is it? In that case, you got ALOT of work ahead of you.




By the way, that screenshot in the link, I didn't know you could actually get a Lich in you party. I tried to finish it, but I never managed to. So that's what they look like.... :thumbsup:



yeah tis a good game we might use the 3d engine from oblivion but we aint sure yet because you cant render big armys with that game because of graphics card speeds oblivion is a very big games needs a mega graphics card for it to look its best if u got any modding experiance come join the team

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