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Mothership Zeta Crew-Hammer Head Armor


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Alright all you space cadets, and i know who you are! well mostly if you're reading this, you know how you felt after f*cking sh*t up in russia for this AMAZING GREAT HAMMER HEAD POwer...eh...wait...my T-51b has more DR, and is more practical, but wait isnt this supposed to be the best armor ever? like BETTER than the T51b?? WTF IS WITH THE 40 DR!!!!


Basicly, could someone make a mod that all it does is raise the stats a bit (like 80 DR and +30 lb in weight?) i tried to do this with GECK, but my limited experience with it (mostly to find ID's and such) has left me mad that this 'great' armor is nothing more than a big, red, T51b.


i could use something that really meets what it was mocked up to be! do i care if it only runs for a day? NO! Do i care that i might be over powered? HELL NO! I EXPECTED IT TO BE THIS WAY THE WAY EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT IT, AND ONCE I GOT IT, I HAVNT PUT IT ON AGAIN! I CAN JUST USE ALIEN APOXY ON MY T51B AND BE FINE AND DANDY!!!!


Garsh, that was longer than expected but my rant is over and here are the requrements (hopfully not hard :/)

1.) VERY upgraded damage resistance, something in EXCESS of 70%!

2.) To ballance this, add some weight to it, aprox. 30-50 lb.

3.) Dont f*ck with the rest of the mod, it was great minus this little part....

4.) Dont spend too much time on it, i really dont need anything fancy, but if you feel the need do it, i will be greatful either way!





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Eh lol figured out the problem, I didn't put the multiple .esm thing on properly, lol I got it now, I'll post my final on nexus if I can figure out how, and might even put in something new!!


PPSsstt!! It just might be a mark II version with upgraded (but fairly balanced) stats for you guys and gals out there looking for something that lasts and can protect til the time you really need it!

Now Of corse that's just a rumor...!

Also if said armor did exist, wouldnt the russian leader have it in his *desk* (subject to change!)?


This will be for those of you who really wanted this disipointment GONE!

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