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More Interesting Social Elements: Family, Shops, Parties, Housecarls,


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As far as combat, ignoring the brutally easy difficulty level skyrim gives the player, i dont think much is missing other than a difficulty level above master. Graphics mods are popping up like crazy. What is not appearing are mods where the player can actually play a role, make a difference in the world and in people's lives.


First aspect of the mod. Get children! The player having a child is not only important, but it is readily available and it makes sense. With owned houses, a wife, and an orphanage there are many reasons to have kids and at least two ways to get them. "Lover's Comfort" be damned. I want a child, not a useless 25% exp bonus that vanishes as soon as i fast travel to my real destination.


Second aspect of the mod. Really be able to interact with NPC's. Have drinking parties like the aldemeri dominion quest. Nothing too intensive, but NPC's can show up openly, possibly unwanted beggars or people the player has made friends with through quests or dialogue options, or through invitation across skyrim. Lets have marriage be restricted to npc's who favor the player and have already slept over at the player's house, or at least kissed through dialogue options(perhaps speech checks or bribes using jewelry or drinks). These drinking parties would have course be at the expense of the host, the player, and would have to be arranged through some type of inn or general goods store who would have access to food and drink in the town the player wants to have the party. These parties could include cannibal feasts, vampire drinking parties, grand openings of a store owned by your wife/husband or more social events!


Third aspect of the mod. Make wives, housecarls, and houses worth having while you're not there. The option to have your wife spend the daily income on alchemy ingredients or bars from the local blacksmith and store them in a chest for the player would be quite favorable. Expanding on that, let the housecarl do it, given a stipend from the player and a shopping list! One more level, if th eplayer can have a child, let the child do it as well, but in a much less efficient way. Wife gets 90% of player's speech skill, housecarl gets 70% and child gets 40%. Perhaps unbalanced but i think if i'm out doing quests to put food on the table my family could do something. Have the housecarl ask locals for quests and give you a prelimnary step if you ask for the quest from the housecarl. If she/he is sitting around in whiterun the least she/he could do is get to knwo the people and let me know about their problems (possibly extend this to radiant quests in the town as well)


Final aspect of the mod. Hiring servants. These pitiful beggars, bandits, pirates, and skumma dealers aren't doing skyrim any good (or enough bad if you're an evil character). The ability to hire these people and tailor their activities to what the player wants to go on in skyrim would be incredible. The player is a kajiit/alchemist, hire the crew of the red wave to import moon sugar and hire a group of bandits to make balmora blue from it. The player is a cannibal/murderer, hire some bandits to harass the local settlements and holds and bring back human flesh and cause distractions for the player's assassinations or heists. The player is a true hero, reform the drug dealers to producing medicine for use in the stormcloak and imperial ranks. No longer will the NPC's be sitting around waiting for the player to act, they will now work with the player to really encourage the feeling of power and influence that skyrim could potentially give a player.



Other mod ideas: Contracting (hiring a lumber mill/general goods store/group of beggars to construct an inn, farm, or mansion outside of a major city for player use as a home), Infrastructure (no longer will kahjiit be the only caravans moving around, people unload boats and ship ore and materials across skyrim, more successful trips per month means that the average gold a merchant will hold will increase and vice versa. Should be able to be influenced by the player by buying more caravans and hiring body guards for them to fight off bandits and trolls), More populated cities/open cities(lots more NPC's, not necessarily named, will walk around towns to give the feeling of a real settlement rather than a pathetically small village. Remove gates and loading screens from towns and fix fast travel markers to accommodate for this change.Put more non named houses for the random NPC's to live in, visit, and operate stores in to make cities feel bigger and more active, even if they are all just meat and drink vendors with 50 gold pieces)

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I started this thread a long time ago and I wanted to revive it now that the creation kit is open, plus after seeing the video that bethesda released where they built a player made house with a butler, adopted a child and gave her a stipend, and allowed for horse combat. I really do want more socializing options and i'd like to be able to impact the world on more than just scratching the surface.
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