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Mods we could do with less of


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So, with the construction set just around the corner, I feel I should ask ya'll...


What could we do without?


Also, InB4NudeMods.


Personally, I think we could do with less anime and video game inspired armors and weapons. Mostly the overly gaudy, highly impractical armors. Not things like re-meshed vanilla armor to give female characters more....definition. I'm talking about those armors that look more like lingerie than armor. The ones that look like the put a schoolgirl outfit, a set of steel armor and some BDSM gear into a blender and wore the result.


And the weapons. Thor's hammer from Marvel? Sure, it fits the world. Cloud's Buster Sword from FF7? Eeh, little hinky, but you could swing it. A sudden influx of katanas and washizaki? Yeah, no thanks.


So what about ya'll? What mods could you do with less of?

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