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Screen Jitters when looking at center of Cities


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Hello All!


I looked through a couple of pages of this forum to see if this was brought up, and found nothing. Nothing using google either.


This game runs GREAT on my PC. I have it on ultra settings and it is smooth in the forest, smooth in a dungeon, smooth on a mountain, and smooth in a village. But...for some reason I get a jittery effect when I am in a city like Whiterun. If I stand anywhere around the edge of that city and sweep the camera 360 degrees around, the screen jitters while my view passes the center of the city. Only the center, and by center I mean when my character is looking in the direction of the most houses and people. It happens on low settings but only for the few seconds after fast traveling. I guess it catches up with itself after a few tics.


My Specs:

Intel Core-i5 2500K (not overclocked)

8 GB of good memory

Nvidia GTX 580 (not overclocked) - I have the latest drivers per Nvidia's site

OS on an SSD drive. Game files on 7200 RPM sata drive

~850 W PSU


I expect that I'm not going to get a response that will solve this issue as there are so many quirks to consider here. I just want to see if anyone else experiences this. Luckily I'm able to look past this (no pun intended) and enjoy Skyrim thoroughly.



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