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Texture Problem on Nifskope


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So, I am working in this mod for a while now, After I finished the 3D and textures went to Nifskope.

I followed step by step Malfazar Complete Weapon Tutorial.

When I got to the part when you put the texture on the weapon, this happened:



Then I realized that the damn NifSkope decided to f*#@ all my uv maps up

take a look what it does:


What it looks like on maya:


2 weeks working on it and then this happens, very frustranting.

Please helpe me, why Nifskope destroys my uvs?

Edited by FunkyGandalfCat
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UV messed up.... This is a well known issue with importing OBJ into Nifskope pre 2.0+ versions. Switch to a more recent release, no matter what other modders tell you. Or use the maya nif exporter, which is on nexus mod pages. Less trouble than importing obj anyway (in whichever version of nifskope you're using).


As a side note: be careful not to go too overboard with the polycount. Nif files are in an old 16bits format, meaning a max of 65K vertices before things start to unravel. Though that might be per niTrishape rather than per file, I'm not sure which it was. You could easily bake a lot of those nice details into a lower poly version's normal map.

Edited by LeVosgien
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UV messed up.... This is a well known issue with importing OBJ into Nifskope pre 2.0+ versions. Switch to a more recent release, no matter what other modders tell you. Or use the maya nif exporter, which is on nexus mod pages. Less trouble than importing obj anyway (in whichever version of nifskope you're using).


As a side note: be careful not to go too overboard with the polycount. Nif files are in an old 16bits format, meaning a max of 65K vertices before things start to unravel. Though that might be per niTrishape rather than per file, I'm not sure which it was. You could easily bake a lot of those nice details into a lower poly version's normal map.

Yep, thanks for the tips

I installed the nif exporter and worked perfectly.


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