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Pillar Puzzle - Need Help to enable()


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I'm try to hotwire the pillar puzzle script so that instead of using a switch to open a door when solved, I'd like to just enable a monster when the last pillar rotates to it's solved state.

; Makes the pillar rotate to the next state and checks whether it is 'solved' as a result    
FUNCTION RotatePillarToState(int stateNumber, int animEventNumber)
        gotoState ("busy")
        if (solveState == stateNumber)
            ;trace(self + " pillar solved!")
            myLinkedRef.numPillarsSolved = myLinkedRef.numPillarsSolved + 1
            pillarSolved = true
        elseif (pillarSolved == True)
            ;if the puzzle is solved and the door is open, then activate the linkedRef (lever)
            ;and set the puzzleSolved to false as well as the doorOpened
            if (myLinkedRef.puzzleSolved == true)
                myLinkedRef.puzzleSolved = false
            myLinkedRef.numPillarsSolved = myLinkedRef.numPillarsSolved - 1
            pillarSolved = False
        playAnimationandWait("Trigger0" + animEventNumber, "Turned0" + animEventNumber)

ObjectReference Property Skelly  Auto

Skelly is an object referecne I've clicked on in the window, which is disabled.


I thought the line Skelly.Enable() would make it appear when the puzzle is solved but no dice. I replaced the usual switch with an XMarker Activator with a script on it called EastCliffMarker. Should I instead 'parent enable' the skelly to the x marker activator and enable it somehow from that script ?



I'm clearly out of my depth with papyrus, never have been able to get my head around it even though I can code C+ for Quake/NWN's etc.


Any help on how to do this simple thing would be very appreciated. Cheers guys.


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Find the pillar puzzle in the game ...

Find the pillar and right click for USED to find one in game ...



Then highlight the pillers and lever and copy (Ctrl+C) then go to your mod and paste (Ctrl+V)

The main script can't be compiled needs to stay in .psc form ...


Once in place you can change the inputs to make it be what ever combination you like ...


once you're done use TES5Edit to get rid of anything you may have disturbed in the cell the pillar came from.

Edited by NexusComa
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Thanks for replying NexusComa, I replaced the lever with a trigger that when entered runs my own script to enable and activate stuff when all the pillars are solved. I also duplicated the pillars to add my own script to, so it should all be clean but I'll run a sweep through TES5Edit just to be sure later on :wink:

Edited by tension69
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