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A couple of replacers


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So I've made a couple of character presets in racemenu for characters whose designs really annoy me, namely Daenlyn from the 3dnpc mod and Marcurio from the vanilla game. I want to turn them into proper mods to replace their appearances, but... Well, I'm a bit slow. Even reading a tutorial on doing it confuses the hell out of me, and every attempt I've made to follow the instructions has ended in disaster. I was wondering if it were possible for someone to make the presets into a mod for me? I did have a friend of a friend who said she'd be able to do what I wanted, but she flaked out. I could email the presets to you and you'd just need to work your mod magic and upload them as some replacers, I've already designed them. Or maybe some other method you had in mind? I'm open to discussion.

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