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Changing what levels award perks?


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If this was Skyrim, I wouldn't have any real difficulties accomplishing what I need. But it's FONV, and the options available to me are comparatively archaic.


What I want to do is stagger the rate at which perks are awarded. Specifically, I'm looking to find a way to squeeze the 25 total perks of the vanilla game into the 35 (34, actually) levels set up by the JSawyer mod. By default, said mod allows only 17 perks in total.


25 vs. 17 - the numbers do not line up well. This means that I need to stagger things. There are two ways to go about it:


A) Levels 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9,10,12,13,14,17,18,19,21,22,23,25,26,28,29,30,32,33,34 get perks - 25 perks staggered into the level 1 through 34 range.

B) Levels 1-16 each get a perk, and then levels 18-34 get a perk every even number.


The only thing I've been able to do is investigate what the "perk every level" mod changes, and it changes a variable called iLevelsPerPerk. Convenient if you just want a specific integer there, but certainly not any use if you need something more complicated such as either of the above two prospects.


So I pretty much don't know how to approach this. I imagine a script will be needed, but frankly don't even know where to begin with that. Again, in Skyrim, no problem. I've already tried my hand at FO3 scripting and there's just not enough good documentation (chiefly in the form of people asking how to do x or y in forums) for the task to be remotely decipherable.

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Actually I think I may have the beginnings of a way I might go about this. It would involve a script, sort of like



scn LevelStagger
short level
if player.getlevel != level
     set level to player.getlevel
     ; (Change the perk rate based on the new player level)


Remaining difficulty is that I can't seem to locate a function for changing iLevelsPerPerk. There is GetGS which I can use to ping said variable's value, but I can't find the one to make a change to it, and doing so is probably the only way I could force the perk menu to appear during level-up when it's supposed to.



Edited by Asterra
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There is a mod called "Perk Every Level" which must have worked this out. Examining it's scripts ought to provide a clue. Also one called "More Perks" for ideas on adding your own.


Yeah, I mentioned the Perk Every Level mod in the OP. It makes a tweak to a game setting (one which does not even seem to be set in the base .esm, which is really odd, seeing as how in NV its value is "2"). Again, the thing I need to know at this point is what function can make a change to this value (iLevelsPerPerk) from within a script. It can be done via console, so SURELY at least NVSE lets one do the same thing with a function.

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