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What do these CK warnings mean?


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I have been trying miserably to add extra guards to Trashcan Carla's caravan. Mainly because the CK crashes if a butterfly flaps its wings too hard in Asia. So I've been trying to do things mainly from F04Edit and just load my plugin into the CK the minimal possible. I thought I finally had gotten all of the pieces of the puzzle. Location, Worldspace, NPC Actor, Quests, and Packages. But my changes still are not working in-game.


Upon loading (making File:Data:Active) my plugin the CK is giving these warnings. So it obviously sees something I mangled or missed in FO4Edit. But I do not know what the warnings mean.


Any help would be most appreciated!


What do these CK warnings mean?


MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> LCTN 'POIJeffB04Location' (000DC941) Ref 'TCGuard02REF' (02000819) uses location but is not in the unloaded ref data.
MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> LCTN 'POIJeffB04Location' (000DC941) Ref 'TCGuard01REF' (02000818) uses location but is not in the unloaded ref data.
MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> LCTN 'POIJeffB04Location' (000DC941) Warnings were encountered validating unloaded ref data for Location 'POIJeffB04Location' (000DC941).


Opening ... in the Warnings Pop-up, I selected all but CURRENT and clicked hidden. This hid all of the damn vanilla warnings and I found these extra Warnings for my plugin. But I think they are broken because of the warnings I'm asking about above.


QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 101 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.
QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Warnings were encountered initializing alias 'TCGuard01' on quest 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB).
QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 102 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.
QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Warnings were encountered initializing alias 'TCGuard02' on quest 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB).
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My CK informs me of around 400 errors each time I load it up. :) And whenever I work on my mod (either of them), I get regular inexplicable reminders of other errors. Without knowing exactly what the errors you are receiving are to be attributed to, my guess is that they are mostly meant to be ignored and are not serous. Someone else here might be able to confirm this.

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<CURRENT> = the errors caused by your mod when loaded.

QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 101 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.
QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 102 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.


Both of those mean they need to be set as optional or the quest wont start.


The other warnings are warnings from messy things beth didn't bother to iron out before release. They are usually harmless.

Edited by EveningTide
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I get warnings that the CK cannot find default files for the Nuka World DLC, Far Harbor, Automatron, etc. Files that I know for a fact are there. I also get the same kinds of warnings for mods I've made about how the CK cannot find files that I know are named correctly and are in the correct directory, even when I double-check what the CK is telling me. And, surprise! It's right there, in the right directory, no typos or anything. Triple and Quadruple-checking yields the same result.


It is not you.


The Creation Kit just has all the stability and reliability of a crack addict working at the Fukushima nuclear reactor.

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<CURRENT> = the errors caused by your mod when loaded.


QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 101 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.

QUESTS: <CURRENT> QUST 'CaravanBase' (000DC8FB) Alias 102 is non-optional and Forced to NONE. This quest cannot start.


Both of those mean they need to be set as optional or the quest wont start.


The other warnings are warnings from messy things beth didn't bother to iron out before release. They are usually harmless.


Thanks. I understood those warnings but not the first three warnings in my post. I just did not know why these weren't functioning and I knew that I could NOT set them to Optional. That would have allowed the Quest to run but it would have then ignored/not fixed my two new NPCs. I needed to fix them. I was just distracted by those other warnings and wondered if they could be the source of my troubles.


Instead, I found my bug. I sloppily forgot to add the Unique Actor to the Alias. I had Alias ID, Alias Name, and Alias Packages but forgot the Unique Actor (ALUA). Once I put those into the Quest, the thing FINALLY worked. I still get those other three warnings but it seems from other posts that I should just ignore those.

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You can "turn off" the vanilla warnings so that you only see the ones in the currently loaded plugin by creating a new template for warnings. To do that go to the "Warnings" window and click the button a the top with the "..." in it. Untick all options except for "Current" and then save it with a new name. I do have a handful of vanilla warnings left that won't go away doing this (literally less than 10) and when I mess something up I get a meaningful display of warnings.

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