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new ''merc'' armour?


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hello.please, Anybody willing to make this?.

got an idea for a new wanderer type of armour...a ''Merc Wanderer Armour'' maybe?.would be cool if someone makes this.

I didn't get around to add colour, but the overcoat is a dull black leather-like material with a weathered dull grey armour pad on the shoulder, the scarf is a green colour{perhaps?}.the jacket underneath is khaki.the trousers are a blueish dark green thick material and the boots{plus knee pads] is a real dark brownish black.If the sketch is a bit faded, the character has a belt with two or three magazine pouches for the rifle on his shoulder, military like gear material.The rifle is just a concept, but it would be an awesome surprise if it could be featured along with the suit.

This is a concept I am using for a comic/novel I'm planning on writing, so expect to see it somewhere in the future maybe.

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