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Thane of Solitude bug


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I've completed the quest about potema (Her being ressurected, killing the necro's, then getting letter, killing her again)

The quest: Help 5 people of hafingar have disepeared (I had 4/5, then I did the quest about talos amulet for the wife/sister of the guy that got executed)

I've purchased the proudspire and all its extra aswell.

Now however, the quest Thane of hafingar (Or whats its named) have disepeared from Misc quests, and its not completed. I've tryed talking to Potema however she dosnt give the option.



Anyone know a command to restart the quest, and bring it to the end and then deliver it again?

Or mayhap force the Jarl to chat with me about becoming thane?



I was intending to move into Proudspire manor once I get my housecarl for it, could someone please help me?



>>>I found the name of the quest: Assist the people of Haafingar <<<

Edited by N0BL00D
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