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List of Mods I'd like to see



32 members have voted

  1. 1. which one do you want more?

    • More face customization options, inducing the ability to look younger
    • More marriagable opitions, inducding the ablity to marry a Jarl
    • More role-playing features, espeically with spouses
    • Change the children so that they don't look like clones!

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So I've been playing Skyrim for 90 hours in game so far and I've certainly noticed a few things about the game that could be improved somewhat.

here's my list, and reply if you agree with them.


1. improve the face customizations at the start. there's too few eye options, etc at the start of the game. and all of my characters always end up looking middle-aged. is there a way to make them look younger too, please?


2. somebody please customize the children of skyrim so that they all look different? they all have the same character models and the same damn face, and it's really kind of jarring when you're going for immersion. plus it makes me keep on thinking about how there's probably some dude going around impregnating all the women of skyrim. the kids also don't look like anything like their parents at all. I swear I saw an dark elf parent with one of those children too... which was a white nord boy.


3. more marriageable candidates with more personalities. why is it that almost all of the male marriage candidates for women are super old or just plain ugly?? This is supposed to be a fantasy game, so aren't we supposed to have hot, attractive guys to marry? it's not fair that nearly all of the female characters are attractive while the male characters aren't. it's like the developers wasn't really thinking about the females who actually play this game. I might as well as be a lesbian character in the game if I want to marry somebody attractive. I would also like be able to marry a Jarl. gonna marry up into the high society world, after all. ;)


4. speaking of marriage... it's a little off putting when the characters just require you to ask them if they're interested in me and so on forth just to get married almost instantly. I would like some new characters who actually require courtship before they get married. not some quest where you go off and kill something for them... just something where you sit down with them and chat for a while. you answer their questions, and if they like your answer their affection goes up. kinda like a mini-dating sim game within skyrim? I think it would be nice to be able to form some sort of attraction to your character's wife/husband that way. the way it's now it's just sorta impersonal.


5. more options for your husband/wife to do things... like before you leave you could ask them for a kiss, etc. nothing perverted. just something nice like: "Bye, honey. bring something back for me! *smooch*"

and more conversation topics, etc.... even if it's just dishing out rumors that they heard about around town. again, I just want immersion with this game and to treat your virtual wife/husband as nothing but a npc is a little off-putting when you want to roleplay a little. I would even like to give them some gifts in return for some of the gifts they've given me.

Edited by AuroraMoon
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I agree that the marriage aspect is extremely stale and underdeveloped. Might as well take a page out of Fable 3 on this one, and have your wife/husband take a weekly allowance from you. Depending on how snooty of a partner you marry, your costs can increase. A way to make all of this worth your time, is that you would get a certain buff to your health/stamina/magicka, or whatever for each type of partner. So if you want a bigger buff, you marry a person that costs more.


I also think there should be a simple quest involved for courting each potential partner.


Nothing that gets too fancy or out of hand, just something simple that makes marriage something thats worth doing.


I don't want to hijack your thread, but since im already talking Fable here I figure I would throw this one out there too. If you have the merchant investment perk, you can make it so that once you invest your 500(or increase it in the .esp) a small lockbox that sits just outside each merchants shop slowly fills with gold, up to a set max amount. Only the character that has invested and gets the special key can open it. Then you can make money on the shops you invest in. just a thought even if it isnt feasible.

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I don't know about the lock-box option. why not just talk to the merchants for your share of the gold? at any rate, investing in certain merchants sounds like a great idea. maybe even help set up a store? that's what one of the modders did for Morrowwind and I had a ball with that. I even ran my own shop there when I wanted to wind down a little bit from all that adventuring. when I went off adventuring, I had merchant assistants who helped run the store for me while I was away.


Now that our spouses automatically run a store after they marry us, maybe there could be a mod for us to help them with that? like help them buy a kiosk in the marketplace, etc. this would also be a good way for us to sell off all the junk that we picked up while adventuring, without running into that "this merchant now only has 0 gold. are you still sure you want to sell this item to them" problem when we sell our junk to other merchants. we could just put it into our own spouse's shop, and tell them to sell those things. or just tell them to hold certain things for us if we're not sure about selling a few things.

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I lol'd at the "nothing perverted". It's going to be, so settle down and join us.


lol. well I mainly said that because I didn't want it to go "over the top", if you know what I mean. I don't mind some perverted stuff going on but not when it happens 24/7. I also have family and boyfriend coming over while I play the game at times, and I don't want to be caught buggering my vitural husband/wife.


so it would have to be slightly censored... something like going up to your spouse, and saying: "Hey, honey. mind if I ask for a rumble in the sack? *wink, wink*" and if your spouse consents then the screen goes to black. afterward the spouse would be like: "Hmm, that was nice".


maybe that mod could have different levels for the player to customize themselves? like how much perverted stuff they want to see, etc. if it's completely uncensored then they see their characters having full-blown sex, etc.. while people like me who worry about being caught in the act would just only see that black screen with the text describing what was going on? just a thought.

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I suggested a lockbox outside the shop mainly because I think it would be easier to make a script for an item like that rather than modifying the NPC, also the box being on the outside near the entrance saves you a loading screen from actually having to go inside every shop you invest in or "own".


HMM. yeah that makes sense.

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Couldn't agree more with you, AuroraMoon. :happy:


And yeah I'm also not talking about over the top perverted stuff cause, I don't know, lol. It doesn't have to be that way for me all the time, the example you gave was just fine. :biggrin: But c'mon, at my wedding I at least expected a frikkin' kiss. It's like *THE* most important moment of a frikkin wedding,lol. I was so dissapointed when it didn't happen. It just felt so awkward.


I lol'd at "super ugly" and "super old" men haha... Well yeah come to think of it, there aren't that many hot guys in Skyrim. But before I even knew I could marry, I just found Vilkas pretty damn awesome. And well the whole Companions-spoiler-spoiler-spoiler blablabla thingie did amuse me a lot. So I ended up picking him without even considering someone else and oh god, you just gotta love that voice! But yeah, I haven't really seen any other handsome guys, besides his brother maybe, lol. And I cba to marry a woman, cause I'm a girl irl. :dry:


I'd like to see spouses go out more often, so sad to see 'em locked up in the house spamming three lines of sweet talk all the time too (altho it IS kinda sweet what they say ehe), like you mentionned in your last point, I'd love to see more dialogue options damn it! There's no immersion what so ever atm, wich makes me a sad puppy.


Point is; they put in a nice, decent rp feature in the game with lots of possible awesome options but they haven't worked it out to the fullest, sadly. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for some awesome modder that will make me a happy panda.

Edited by Roxian
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I found mercurio to be one of the first hot guys in skyrim that I saw, even if he was a little bit of a douche-bag.

well, not really that bad at all but he did have a tendency to sass me a lot when I asked him to do things as an companion.

so I married him... and then all of a sudden his personality did an 180, and instead of whining about things he's more dovey-lovey. which was even more surreal to me, since how at the wedding he basically acted like he didn't give a f**k, when he promptly walked away after it was over.


it's as if my sassy mercurio was exchanged for a stepford husband in game! come to think of it, it would certainly explain the mysterious disappearances of spouses reported everywhere. maybe they were being brainwashed by Mara! :P

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