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vault 88 invisible walls and bright white light


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Having the exact same issue. Driving me nuts!!!!


Here is my mod order: (Was done by LOOT, but manually moved Scrap Everything to the bottom).


*Snap'n Build.esm
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp
*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
*Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
*Roy Preset.esp
*Caelan Preset.esp
*Scavver's Toolbox.esp
*25% Fusion Core Drain.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*Wild West Radio.esp
*Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp
*Lots More Facial Hair.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Ish's Respec Mod.esp
*Wasteland Fashion Armorsmith Patch.esp
*Lacy Underwear.esp
*Armormsith All DLCs Patch.esp
*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp
*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp
*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM Concealed).esp
*Waterworld - Very Translucent.esp
*Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp
*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
*Synth Overhaul.esp
*Grasslands - Healthy.esp
*Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
*Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Spring.esp
*Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
*Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
*OCD FarHarborDLC.esp
*CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp
*Scrap Everything - Core.esp
*Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
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I am also getting invisible walls in Vault 88. Was suggested that is was related to Scrap Everything mod, removed the mod. Nothing. Reinstalled the mod. Nothing. Updated to the version that does not deal with Vault 88. Nothing. Installed Spring Cleaning Compatibility Patch. Nothing. Ideas?

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Suffered the same problem in Vault 95 - on my second run there - and Saugus Ironworks - on my first and only visit. I never saw much of the facility as I shot my way through it. Too many mods?? Or maybe my VGU is trying to tell me something?

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