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Loading Area crashs PC


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Since I have installed Bloodmoon the PC crashs when I change the area. The monitor shows "No Signal", but the sound is still running.


A few dates of my computer:

P4 1.7 Ghz

ATI Radeon 9600 XT (Catalyst 3.9)

256 MB RAM



I hope somebody have a hint how I can solve the problem!




P.S. I tried all the updates available.

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nice rig

this should be in the technical support section, but i dont want to be a vigilante.


loading area crashes...its not a crash, its the resolution, it must keep changing or something, check the resolution at the start up, try it at 1024x768, if all else fails, consult to bethesda, they might know, or even try using a different monitor on your computer.

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