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Tried to replace the army fatigues under armour. Almost worked, but the covering armour placement is incorrect. Why?


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Army fatigues will clip with most vanilla chest pieces. I didn't like that, so I tried to replace its appearance with military fatigues.


More specifically, I replaced the army fatigues Foutfit.nif and .sclp with the military fatigues' Foutfit.nif and .sclp.


Doing this, I successfully changed the army fatigues' appearance to look like military fatigues. However, the covering armor piece placement did NOT change. The military fatigues look-a-like still clips most armors like army fatigues.


Here is a picture to demonstrate what I mean:



Why does this happen? I have bodyslide, so is this an issue with my bodyslide? How would I successfully transfer the covering armor coordinates of an under armor (i.e. military fatigues) to another (i.e. army fatigues)?


Here is my load order, but I doubt it's relevant.

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i think its a vanilla bug. I tried a similar thing without the issues being resolved. There are actually more under-armors which have similar, however less severe clipping issues, especially with leather armor. I just posted about a few hours ago. Looking for a CBBE setup which fixes most of these back clipping issues, but no one has responded yet.


The below mod fixes the issue you mentioned, but doesn't work too well with CBBE. Take a look:




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