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I am trying to isolate the cause of a CTD and in order to do this it seems like it might be helpful to figure out what a CTD is from the game's perspective.

I.E. missing files, endless loops etc...

Anybody who knows their stuff please let me know

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CTD can be caused by a LOT of possible problems. First, if it happens at a specific time then you can check which mods modify objects in that area. Disable the suspected mods one-by-one and see if that helps. It can also happen if there are issues with the FNV data itself so you can try "Verify Integrity of Game Cache". More generally, it could be your drivers or the system itself. Update your drivers and check all of the settings to make sure they are in order.


In summary, CTD is a common problem w/ FNV and it can be caused by a LOT of different issues. Do these crashes happen more often at a specific time? A specific location? It's a lot of detective work. If you post your load order from FOMM someone more knowledgeable than me could probably point you in the right direction for mod conflicts.

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1. Identical to master records.

2. Slightly corupted save games or game data (not fully corupted yet).

3. Playing for over 4 hours without restarting the application, rebooting, or powering down.

4. Excessive chaos or abnormal actions by the player.

5. Navmesh issues.

6. One mod deletes something, a mod loading later moves the deleted object.

7. Too much junk in the data folder, like unused .esp or stuff that just ends up there.

8. Too many mods or too high settings.

9. Collision issues both primitive an also the havok meshes themself.

10. Audio issues

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