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Graphic/texture mods...really Bethesda?


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I bet all the people experiencing that save game size bug on PS3 wish they pirated it for the pc instead. We as PC users might play with lower res textures as a result of console ports, but modders love to fix that for us anyway. Some people shelled out 60 bucks for a console game only to find it unplayable or severely crippled. That kind of thing really kills the enjoyment and is deserving of harsh criticism.


It's not just that bethesda expects the modding community to fix their product for them, they also like many companies now expect to be able to release an untested, inferior product and then let you download a patch later after you paid them to be a tester. I fully understand and find it reasonable that a huge project like skyrim would have bugs, but you would expect them to be more subtle than what we've gotten this time around.


What incentive is there to pay for a legitimate copy of skyrim when you look at what support the company is offering for their paying customers to begin with. Piracy is an issue, but it's ironic when a pirated copy runs better than the one you paid for.

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@ Arcadiast you make some good points, and yes, now that i think of it, even having decent sources isnt enough to end an argument if they are just quotes. But as i stated, so far it is my opinion that piracy is causing the shift of developers to consoles. All i have is several sources, some quotes, some statistics, but yeah, someone can probably show the exact opposite as well. What we really need is access to some peer reviewed journals. I have that access, and can probably find some articles in major jounrals that discuss this issue in depth using current scientific methods, but alas i would only be able to post the abstracts. If you want i can still do that!


@ OnlyOneWing again you also make some good points, the market for consoles is massively larger than the PC. That might be a good enough reasons for devs to shift to consoles, disregarding the piracy issue. I wouldnt disregard those quotes i have as trivial, i can get more quotes from more game developers. I think once you have several actors in an industry all saying the same thing (and this not a corrupt industry like bancking), then either they are all lying, or we should start to seriously think about the underlying problems. I just prefer to take what they say as honest :) I will have a look around some journals anyways, post some abstracts, and then if you still dont like those sources then there is no pleasing you ^^


Overall i cant be certain of my position in this debate, and neither can anyone else atm. Still, the better informed the better and more constructive the argument.


Edit: After having a quick 20min look i have to say its very hard to find any jounral articles that specifically discuss pc pirating and consoles. Lots and lots of peer reviewed stuff on how pc pirating massively dents profit for this platform, lots of peer reviewed articles on how consoles are making lots of money, but nothing yet (2005 - 2011) on causal link between piracy on pc and the switch to developing on consoles. Will have a longer look this evening, but for now i think the most concrete point made is that the console market is way bigger for games than the pc market, as OnlyOneWing pointed out. So i guess any further arguments made past this point are opinions based on (hopefully) logic :/

Edited by MadWizard25
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Overall i cant be certain of my position in this debate, and neither can anyone else atm. Still, the better informed the better and more constructive the argument.


i agree! thats why i am so reserved when it comes to this. I dont want to board a train that is going in the wrong direction.


What incentive is there to pay for a legitimate copy of skyrim when you look at what support the company is offering for their paying customers to begin with. Piracy is an issue, but it's ironic when a pirated copy runs better than the one you paid for.


My incentive is always to support the people that have made something I enjoy so they can keep making things I enjoy, but you have a Point. It is indeed quite frustrating when you buy a game and have some game breaking issues (small bugs are reasonable with such a game) and not be able to fix them yourself. There will be no compensation for either your frustration, your allready spent Money or the time you were waiting for a fix where you possibly could not play. I think in such cases it is well in your rights as a customer to express criticism (Hopefully in a civilized fashion :) ).


I know about the ironic part by the way and its quite sad.

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