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Papyrus Scripting and Profiling


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As many have, I have been working on adding more Fully Functional Mannequins. I have gotten quite a ways but have run into a speed bump with Papyrus Profiling. Here is what I have so far.


1. player.placeatme 89a85 (adds moving mannequin)

2. tai (disable movement) *Select new mannequin

3. getvmscriptvariable "Object Refernce ID" "Name" ie getvmscriptvariable ff001ef5 mannequin

4. togglescripts

5. Now Check if the Mannequin has a script with "SV"

If So skip to step 7

6. Add the Mannquin Activator Script with "APS MannequinActivatorSCRIPT"

7. Now Check if the Mannequin has a script with "SV"

If the scripts is there but does not have the following Variables.

a. MannequinActivateMESSAVE_var= (000D7511)

b. MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE_var

If so, skip to step ***

8. Add the varibles to each section to mimic the origianl mannequins *Example: "SetPV MannequinActivateMESSAGE 000d7511"


*NOTE: (Step 3 enables you to use Step 4 to enable scripts. I'm not sure if the is required but it can't hurt right? You can still get to step 8 without 3 and 4 if I remember correctly.)


I then attempted to activate the script with "StartPapyrusScriptProfile" and "StartPapyrusFormProfile". Both of which gave me the error stating "Papyrus profiling is disabled - profile request ignored."


I don't know if its possible, but I need a way to enable Papyrus Profiling. If anyone know how to do this, or how to find out, please post it here. I hope this helps others out there.


ANY other information about Papyrus Scripting and Profiling is welcome. My hope is that we can get as much info as possible about them here.

Edited by tweeter85usn
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  • 4 weeks later...

As many have, I have been working on adding more Fully Functional Mannequins. I have gotten quite a ways but have run into a speed bump with Papyrus Profiling. Here is what I have so far.


1. player.placeatme 89a85 (adds moving mannequin)

2. tai (disable movement) *Select new mannequin

3. getvmscriptvariable "Object Refernce ID" "Name" ie getvmscriptvariable ff001ef5 mannequin

4. togglescripts

5. Now Check if the Mannequin has a script with "SV"

If So skip to step 7

6. Add the Mannquin Activator Script with "APS MannequinActivatorSCRIPT"

7. Now Check if the Mannequin has a script with "SV"

If the scripts is there but does not have the following Variables.

a. MannequinActivateMESSAVE_var= (000D7511)

b. MannequinArmorWeaponsMESSAGE_var

If so, skip to step ***

8. Add the varibles to each section to mimic the origianl mannequins *Example: "SetPV MannequinActivateMESSAGE 000d7511"


*NOTE: (Step 3 enables you to use Step 4 to enable scripts. I'm not sure if the is required but it can't hurt right? You can still get to step 8 without 3 and 4 if I remember correctly.)


I then attempted to activate the script with "StartPapyrusScriptProfile" and "StartPapyrusFormProfile". Both of which gave me the error stating "Papyrus profiling is disabled - profile request ignored."


I don't know if its possible, but I need a way to enable Papyrus Profiling. If anyone know how to do this, or how to find out, please post it here. I hope this helps others out there.


ANY other information about Papyrus Scripting and Profiling is welcome. My hope is that we can get as much info as possible about them here.


I'm quite interested (along with many others, apparently) in the use of mannquins. I might have something useful here.


I went through and followed exactly what you did, getting to the same point. After a bit of searching, I realized that the papyrus is controlled through Skyrim.ini file. Just to see what happened, after backing up my file, of course, I added bEnableProfiling=1 to under [Papyrus].


When I tried another mannequin, I was able to enter "StartPapyrusScriptProfile" without the error but "StartPapyrusFormProfile" requires a different value, such as the 89a85, because the "reference formID" (what is displayed when you click the mannequin) results in an error.


Either way, I could not interact with my mannequin.


Hopefully this information is helpful and can be used to figure this out.

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