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BT 4096 x 4096


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I'm new to Oblivion and I'd like to install the BT 4096 x 4096, Koldorn Medium Noise Mod but since there are so many different names for it I don't know what to downlaod and to install. I'd like to have the looking of this mod http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c209/dev_akm/oblivion/oto/LODrez/QTP3_BT4096_KMd_01.jpg


What do I need to download to have this look in the game? Do I have to install Koldorn Medium Noise as well or is this the same like BT 4096?


best regards.

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your picture shows that it is at 1440x900. This indicates a widescreen mode. 4096x4096 is not widescreen, and not even a true 4-3 aspect ratio used in non widescreen monitors.. First check to see if your monitor even supports the resolution you are asking for.


Don't get too excited when you don't get instant feedback. This is a forum, not an Instant messaging board. most of us are only on the forum for an hour or so a day. It might take a while for the right person to see your request. However, this response, no matter how unhelpful serves to bump your cry for help back up to the top of the list.

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