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Argonian and kahjiit best form


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If there are any mods that change beast form to better suit the races that already look animalistic, please direct me to them. When I see my argonian basically turn from a lizard to a dog, I find it stupid that he doesn't stay a lizard, just with a bigger muscle mass, longer limbs, and maybe a mane going down his back. I'm also curious about vampire lord forms tailored to the various races as well...least not the human ones I guess, but surely everyone knows what I mean right?

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This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay harder to do than you probably expect.

I'm gonna make a guess that no one made beast forms specific to argonians and kahjiits, and neither have they made vampire lord forms either.

There is a reason there is a dearth of Vampire Lord mods


I barely understand, please clarify.


Edit: Also, I just noticed I made a typo with the name of this topic.

Edited by jpmonteith
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