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Dinstinguish last marker added to the map


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Perhaps I missed the obvious in my several hundred hours through Skyrim, but I always found it very odd that NPCs / books would add new location markers on the map, but then oftentimes leave you completely puzzled about where they were. This is particularly odd in the mid to end game when there's hundreds of markers already displayed and literally no way to glean where the last one was added.


My mod suggestion is for the following mechanic to be in place:

1) an npc mentions a new location

2) the map is optionally force-opened up, centered around the icon added for the newly discovered location

3) that newly discovered location icon is made identifiable via coloring / highlighting of some sort.


Special cases may need to be added--e.g. with the orc strongholds 3 markers should remain highlighted at least until you've had a look at the map.

Edited by csbx
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