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Free Floating Cinematic Camera Mod


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Hey Nexus,


So I have come to you beautiful and wonderful people in the hopes that you can solve a problem that I have been having as well as help me tap a market that hasn't really been tapped too much thus far in the Fallout 4 community and gaming as a whole (aside from maybe Minecraft). I am looking for a freestanding fully controllable camera that can be either fixed in a location or follows you around and takes pictures / records video in a different camera mode. The purpose of this mod is to be able to play the game while having photos or videos taken from a completely different and more cinematic camera angle so you can get your character in the middle of battle or, what I am specifically looking to do, create a timelapse of a settlement build. It would be great and glorious to basically just be able to stick a camera somewhere and start building and then create a beautiful timelapse video of my build so it is easy to see the changes in an overhead view. There's several different ways this could go about being done, but I leave that up to you guys honestly since I wouldn't know which way would be the simplest. This would be as complicated as an Ansel by Geforce system or a simple OBS recorder, only it could run in the background constantly taking photos/video automatically if you so choose. I know this is a massive endeavor, but I think it would be something that would genuinely change how Fallout 4 is played and would definitely prompt a need for this in other games. I have no idea how to do anything, I just have a background in cinematography, not coding or modding or any of that unfortunately. Let me know your thoughts below and hopefully we can get this thing made!

Edited by JayJJericho
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