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I've lived around Kansas City all my life, except for the years in the military. I have family up there and ass the violence of this city rose, my relatives slowly moved to smaller towns. My aunt moved down to a small town 30 miles south of me, and has been taking care of older people since her husband died.


She took on the case of an elderly man over on the Missouri side, when his wife passed on. He was legally blind and she acted as his caretaker. She drove him to his doctor appointments, and feed him at home, and during one of my phone calls with her I found out something interesting about him. He was in the Air force back in WWII and actually was one of those who lit the landing fires for the Enola Gay on her trip back from Japan.


I wanted to talk with this old soldier, but never really could find the time and I heard last week he passed on. It's really a shame that there is so much history that lives around us a that we never really take the opportunity to enrich ourselves by it.


Just a thought. Thank you and have a great day.

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