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For Smoother Changing Shadows


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I was checking the nVidia guide for Skyrim tweaking and I stumbled on this variables:




They must to be added in Skyrim.ini, under [Display] section. The values reported there are the default ones, the ones that make shadows leap for and back for like half a feat as the sun/moons move around.

nVidia reports 0.000 and 0.100 for a smoother movement. I find 0.000 and 0.001 is even better.


Experiment at your will. ^^

Edited by Zehryo
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  • 2 weeks later...

will there be any fps loss or will it demand more processing power?



Ops, totally forgot about this thread!! >.<


No, no performance hits, it just makes shadows change in small and frequent leaps instead of delayed big ones. It adds to realism, in some way.....to me.


I've also used the console command "set timescale to 1" to make in-game time run as slow as in real life. One hour is one hour, not over one day out.

Once you change it, it's going to stay for the next savegames and doesnt need to be set again at every load.

Note: deafult is 16!


This tweak only affects normal gameplay time, fast-travelling still takes the same amounts of in-game hours as normally.

Edited by Zehryo
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