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Random CTD, no warnings


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Hello everyone :smile: so i trying to get my skyrim stable, overall it works perfect except random ctd no matter where im(small cell, open world) and what im doing(running, browsing inventory) sometimes after 10s and sometimes after 10min like i said its totally random i dont really think its related with specific mod, i think its just too many mods installed, right now i have ~140 esp when i turn off some of them no ctd but like i said cant find any specific mod that causes ctd, most of mods i use are followers,armors,graphics and few other mods like add item menu, immersive patrols, some quest mods, home mods etc, i tried to disable A Quality world map i heard that might help and tried to lower graphics and installed SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor- still ctd i heard people have 200 even 250 mods installed and no cd maybe there are some ini tweaks that i miss that allow you to install more mods :smile: Thx for help and sorry for bad english. btw i use mod organizer


my pc:

GTX 770

i5 3570

8gb ram

Edited by korbass11
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your game is locked at 60fps? do you have Crash Fixes and ENBoost installed? post your load order using modwatch: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640/?

Thx for answer. Yes i locked at 60 fps but i locked through enb not through skyrimprefs looks like it should be opposite right?, i have crash fixes and i also use ENBoost here is my load order https://modwat.ch/u/kappa123 i always use LOOT to fix load order. Well looks like i only have 107 esp

Edited by korbass11
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the locked frames to 60 on ENB is right.


remove SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor and make sure you have done this:

Createa a file called skse.ini in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ if you don't have it already, then write inside (remove other lines that might be inside the file):
EnableDiagnostics=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging
WriteMinidumps=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging
After that download and install Crash Fixes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?
Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747/?
After having installed it navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini
Modify in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 follow the instructions above this line (in CrashFixPlugin.ini) to make it work. You will need to download and install SKSE Plugin Preloader Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75795/?
Create a shortcut with this argument and launch the game from it (if you are on ModOrganizer add to the SKSE executable the -forcesteamloader argument):
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the locked frames to 60 on ENB is right.


remove SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor and make sure you have done this:

Createa a file called skse.ini in Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ if you don't have it already, then write inside (remove other lines that might be inside the file):
EnableDiagnostics=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging
WriteMinidumps=1 ;<----you can leave this to 0 turn to 1 if debugging
After that download and install Crash Fixes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?
Download and install Bug Fixes as well: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747/?
After having installed it navigate to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Pugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini
Modify in CrashFixPlugin.ini UseOSAllocators=1 follow the instructions above this line (in CrashFixPlugin.ini) to make it work. You will need to download and install SKSE Plugin Preloader Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75795/?
Create a shortcut with this argument and launch the game from it (if you are on ModOrganizer add to the SKSE executable the -forcesteamloader argument):


Ok one question before i start can i install mods like bug fixes,crash fixes etc through mod organizer? or manually copy to skse>plugins?

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install them with MO so you can keep track of them. to install the skse.ini using MO make a folder called Data then make a folder inside it called SKSE and finally put skse.ini inside it then make an archive of the folder Data and install it like a mod in MO.

Edited by Project579
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Ok, so i did everything you said and i feel like my game is unstable and weird lag spikes and a bit laggy probably less fps than before.


Still getting ctd i tested for like 30 min and im getting ctd:

Near to my player home(custom house mod) no crash when i inside this house just outside and i never had problem with this house before, and i also got ctd when few npc left the winking skeever and spawn near to me in Solitude. So basically still getting random ctd but more often


Like i said i feel like game is unstable and whenever something big happens like a lot npc spawn near to me i getting ctd.


tl dr: Its hard to explain but i think its worst than before


Few questions from me:

1.Should i set iPresentInterval to 1 if i lock fps in enb

2.HighResTexturePack1,2,3 should be checked or unchecked in Mod organizer?

3.After installing ENBoost i had to change few things like UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics to false and ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to false , is this normal?


And one more thing:

I have another small problem maybe its related somehow with ctd's my games sometimes randomly freeze no ctd, no warrning, audio/sound still working (i had this problem before)

Edited by korbass11
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1.Should i set iPresentInterval to 1 if i lock fps in enb you can do it but is not necessary

2.HighResTexturePack1,2,3 should be checked or unchecked in Mod organizer? if you have MO set to manage archives they should be unchecked in the load order but make sure they are checked on the archives tab.

3.After installing ENBoost i had to change few things like UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics to false and ExpandSystemMemoryX64 to false , is this normal? ExpandSystemMemoryX64 should always be to false;,UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics if you set this to true the ENB will not work only the memory patch (ENBoost).


UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false ;<-----set this to true leave to false if you have an ENB.
ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ;<-----make sure this is set to false is obsolete and will interfere with Crash Fixes or SKSE memory patch (causes crashes especially in Win10)
DisableDriverMemoryManager=false ;<---------set to true for old AMD GPUs.
EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ;<------make sure this is set to false only works when ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true as previously sad this only causes problems
ReservedMemorySizeMb=64 ;<-----if using an ENB you know what goes here otherwise increase if you experience some stutter.
VideoMemorySizeMb=4064 ;<-----Users should download and run Boris's VRamSizeTest tool. Run the VRamSizeDX9.exe. Windows 7 users subtract 170 from the value provided and use that value. Windows 8/8.1/10 users use the value provided. If AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true this value is ignored and auto-calculated.
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false ;<-----set this to true if you want auto VRAM size calculation
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Thx for answer but nothing help ;/ still getting ctd maybe i was wrong and maybe its happening because of some mod but those ctd looks so random should i uncheck some mods again and try to find out which mod causes ctd? is it possible that follower or armor mod causes ctd ? i recently start using high heels mod and probably because of it i cant use and devices like forge etc but i dont thing its related with those ctd's

Edited by korbass11
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