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Some help with Hex in TESSNIP, tracking down VMAD


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Hiya all. I'm doing a traps mod and attempting to adjust the figures for damages for various traps that seem to be using triggers, or in the ACTI section. I'm guessing this because they don't have any other reference [unlike some traps that use spells and similar making them easier to adjust] and so I am left with trying to adjust the values without really knowing what Im adjusting. Anyhow, wondering if anyone has any ideas on what the VMAD structure is [forgive me if my naming conventions are wrong, new to this kind of editing]




EDID editorID zstring - names and references

VMAD ?? Pretty sure the info's in here.

OMND objectBounds sizing etc.

FULL Name lstring - name of ojbect.

MODL Model ie. 3D model

MODT Model texture the texture of the model


An example including the data, the number at the end are decimal values of the 3rd group in. Whilst those values make sense, when I changed them, there was no corresponding damage change in game.





LvlDamage1 03 01 0A 00 00 00 0A 00

LvlDamage2 03 01 0D 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage3 03 01 0F 00 00 00 0A 00

LvlDamage4 03 01 12 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage5 03 01 16 00 00 00 0A 00

LvlDamage6 03 01 19 00 00 00 0E 00




LvlDamage1 03 01 14 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage2 03 01 19 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage3 03 01 1E 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage4 03 01 23 00 00 00 0A 00

LvlDamage5 03 01 28 00 00 00 0D 00

LvlDamage6 03 01 2D 00 00 00 0D 00


So if anyone has any ideas as to what I ought to be changing or if those values are sending references to something else, would they be kind enough to explain, show.



Edited by punxdog
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I've been working on this as well, but I haven't had any headway to getting a change to stick. I will post it here though if I do work it out. :)


Yeah thanks mate, the rest are straight forward enough. Got a PM for ya too.



I think the information points to stored values as each is unique, not looking good as that might mean it's getting values stored in the core without a way to alter those values and even changing them doesn't effect the damage done anyway. Guessing the way around it would be to set up scripts for all of the traps but big pain in the butt and has to wait for CK.


Any ideas?

Edited by punxdog
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