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Less wobbly iron sights.


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This is my biggest problem with the combat in this game. It is really difficult to aim with the sights, particularly with long barrels. With the hunting rifle the wobbling is so bad that it's very easy to make the front post become totally obscured by the rear sight. Realistic? Probably. Fun? Nope. It just forces everyone to attach reflex sights, which have their own problems, or just go with scopes. Or even play in third person.

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I'm talking about the iron sights, not the scopes. Take the lever action rifle, for instance. Look down the sights, then move the mouse around. Notice how the front post doesn't stay centered in the ring? It moves all over the place. Most games do this to some extent, but in FO4 it's massively exaggerated, to the point where, as I have described, with some weapons the front post can disappear behind the rear sight entirely.


What's happening is that the front post follows your mouse motion perfectly, but the rear of the weapon lags behind. The greater the distance between front post and rear sight, the greater the lag. On a snub-nosed .44 pistol, it's minimal, but on a hunting rifle with a long barrel it's insane.


I noticed this from day one, so it can't be mods.

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Oh, when you move the gun around... Ok, I see your problem now. I usually just leave it still for a moment if accurate aiming is important, but I see your problem.


No idea, to be honest. Pretty sure it would involve editing the animations, but I don't recall any animation mod that does that.

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