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Karthspire Platform textures


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Hiya i'm having a strange problem with the wooden platforms at Karthspire, the textures look horrifying and I cant find what file it is too replace...


Does anyone know how to fix this problem or what the name of the texture is so I can replace it?


There was a previous topic made about this problem but it seemed to go unsolved, I have reinstalled all my texture mods... including the official texture packs...

The landscape and architectural texture mods I have to memory are...


Skyrim HD

Skyrim realistic Overhaul

Serious HD

Noble Skyrim



So I would really just like to know the name of the file.


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.


Ps. I cant seem to upload any screenshot of it as the message editor is not letting me.



https://goo.gl/images/TGZulO Link to a screenshot with the exact same problem.

Edited by finestanonymous
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I have the same problem as you : ugly textures on the floor, on stairs...altough I installed nobleskyrim, etc...I wonder if it's not an issue with Dyndolod because when I click on the texture in the console, it seems that Dyndolod handles it....Do you have Dyndolod too?

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