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[request] settler support squad


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This may just be me, but I tend to go around the wasteland with a follower, and well there are several times I have been running around wanting a support squad. this comes from things like attacking Libertalia with a few BoS knights at my back, or the assault on teh castle with minutemen giving fire support.


the thing is, all teh current mods do not give what I am looking for, they are either console based, or litterly let you recruit anything.



So here is what I am looking for.



settlement support

info: allows you two have two "expendible" settlers following you along with your follower.


concept: your minutemen allied settlements can do to pull some weight when attacking things. so why not build a reinforcement office and task two of your settlers to it. said settlers can then be recruited to follow the player and any follower the player has. limit 2 settlers.


optional idea: settlers have limited ammo, and are not esencial meaning you can take the extra fire support but you have to pay for ammo and keeping them alive.


bonus to settlement: the office will generate anywhere between 0 and 200 caps per day, as the settlers in it are emplied to be doing quests like you. Infact you may run into them when you go to a settlement for a quest from the radio freedom in which case you can have 2 extra ones following you for that quest. (though they walk and will not fast travel with the player)




overall idea: something that works in survival giving the player a way to have a small squad under their command but at a cost of potentially handy capping a settlement if they use it (lose settlers).

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