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Dragon Encounters


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Ok so I wanted to make a sort of in general thread about peoples' luck encountering dragons.


As for me I'm unsure if I'm lucky or unlucky. Reason being I am only level 11 at the moment and I have already had 4 random dragon encounters.

Now luckily for me I like to play through the game the first time on the easiest setting (mainly just a personal preference) and after I get a good feel for the game or do whatever and finish I start a new game and play it on the hardest setting. I do plan on using the exploit I keep hearing about in both modes. Reason being is that I like to be this super-powerful person darn it! I mean heck we just randomly appear on a cart (with no real explanation, or one that I haven't found as to how we got there in the first place). So if I'm supposed to be a hero I want to be "Mr. Overpowered" so I can go skipping around world casting, punching, or swinging (and sometimes talking?) my way to my objective.

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On my Nord following the story, i get dragons all the time.....especially if i fast travel somewhere. Within seconds of arriving i get that ominous shadow over head.


Does anyone get Dragons that wont engage? i had one over Dawnstar that would just circle. Even climbed the mountain to get its attention....gave up in the end.

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I meet a dragon every freakin' time I head over to Riverwood or the College. I mean, geez! It's not that fun consider I am 100% melee, and not going through the main quest. I end up waiting untill he decides to land.
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I'm lvl 15 I believe.

I've fought the initial story dragon. Then I've fought or have encountered 3 others. One I fought while it attacked some village (dont remember the name), another after I found it fighting/killing a couple wolves, and then a third after I found a dead woodcutter and saw a shadow and the dragon flew overhead, but I was sneaking and it flew off.

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