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Need help making this CONAN Sword mod work


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Someone uploaded this but then it was taken down later



I want to be able to use it as a one handed sword, perhaps replace the one handed steel sword but I can't figure out how to do it. I've got it to the point were it would spawn in the game but its purple and theres no first person view of me swinging it b/c it stays on my back.

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For a copyright reasons he got banned from Nexus, real shame as I like the sword. I was going to offer to hand paint his diffuse for that particular model to keep it more in line with Skyrims art style, i might still do it as a personal project. The original poster was a guy called utilizer over at http://forums.bethsoft.com. Drop him a message, 1.5 was his last ever update Edited by DiGiTALZOMBiE
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