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Modding Trial and Error, lagging and CTDs


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Ok, here it goes.

I am a huge fan of both FO4 and Skyrim. My main problem with both of these games is simple. The apparent inability to get several mods working together without CTDs.

Right now, i just finished uninstalling my Skyrim because it was too damn unstable. Even though i did not have +100 mods, and my rig is fairly powerful for this game ( Overclocked 970 GTX ), i experienced horrible stuttering with FPS dropping bellow 20, and constant CTDs.

I KNOW skyrim is limited to 4 GB of RAM. But i also know there is no way the game capped the RAM limit with so few mods installed.

Hence this topic. I am going to personally test the mods i want to use one after the other, and figure out the " installing " order of the mods with the least possible conflict, and leave the load order to LOOT.

In the mean time if any of you good people out there managed to get a stable build with your mods, please post the name of your mods and your installation order so everyone here can use it. A big kudos to anyone who does this beforehand.

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My Skyrim WIP Mod Pack STABLE: https://testing-ee4f4.firebaseapp.com/u/Star579


total mods around 550; total plugins around 320; majority of textures are in 4k VRAM usage around 5GB (using dual 980-ti SLI) (you can't play this with stable FPS in Windows 8/8.1/10).

Edited by Project579
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