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Dungeon of the Day #2+3


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So because YouTube were taking forever to do their maintenance yesterday, I had to hold #2 back so both 2 and 3 went up today. I'm enjoying making these videos so I hope you enjoy watching them too. I've taken some feedback from these forums and feel I have made some good steps to improving them, and I'll be turning subtitles on for future videos after watching back the most recent one. Subscribe/Like/Retweet/Etc.


#2 -



#3 - Darklight Tower


So, the forum will only let me post 1 video (?) and I don't want to clog it up with another thread, so I guess just click the links for #2 and the second part of Darklight Tower, which turned out to be quite a good dungeon and that's why I left that video in rather than #2.

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