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Prevent courier access to a given cell


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In the process of testing my mod I've seen the courier pop his squishy little head into my working cell twice now. There isn't a chance he knows I'm there and his presence is jarringly out of place. Are there ways to set up my cell (keywords ?) to prevent this ?


I totally understand that there may be some occurrences of this that can't really be prevented--e.g. if some quest mod uses the courier mechanic in some non-standard way. And now that I think about it, it has only been quest mod couriers that have shown up..


Any ideas ?

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I think I answered my own question. In the story manager you can see a bunch of conditions on the courier quest. One of them, e.g., is that the location doesn't have a keyword "loctypeorcstronghold". Now I'm wondering if there are any other implications to adding that keyword to my custom location type.

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