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WIP Mod, A few simple questions!


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Hey everyone, thanks for reading!


I'm working on a crafting mod, that's really sort've silly but something I wanted to do. I'm making all the non-magical, non-armor clothing in the game craft-able. There's no real advantage to this gameplay wise I just think it's neat to be a "Tailor" if you want :P


Anyway, so I've worked out all my recipes, and in order to try to get as close to realistic as I can without adding wool/sheep, I'm going to allow the ability to make dyes at the cooking spit.


I've managed to get to the point where the dyes can be made in-game (I plan on adding a million more, just wanted to start with these until I figure out my retexturing issue), and they use the standard skooma bottle and texture. I have 2 questions that should help me get through the next few steps in my mod:


1: I am able to extract the .dds texture and open it in photoshop to edit, so creating the dye bottle textures won't be a problem. However, I'm having trouble trying to open the .nif for the skooma bottle in nifskope, and to be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure how to apply the new texture to the bottle once it's in nifskope. Once I get the new texture on there, then do I just rename the mesh to something different (dyebottleblue.nif, for example) and then name the texture + normal map the same way? Where do I put these files in order of the plugin to load them? Obviously i need to reference the .nif in the record for the dyes (They're MISC, not potions)


2: I understand the data for weight is in the DATA subrecord, right? I'm wondering if anyone knows which "byte" I'd need to change as I don't think the dyes need to weigh more than .3. Also, I'm really not sure how to change the value, and I'd like to, because although I don't want the mod to make tailoring even remotely profitable (except for maybe when you level up and can make things like wedding clothes and emporers clothes) I"d still like to assign the dye value of at least 2 or 3 so that you wouldn't feel bad about unloading them if you made extra.


Once I get these issues worked out I'll be able to move on to the tanning rack to add cotton fabric, yarn, and a bunch of other stuff I have ideas for. For now I'm limited to just retexturing existing meshs, but I still think that I can get something respectable out before the CK.


Anyway, attaching the plugin as a reference. Thanks in advance for ANY help you can offer. <3


File is here: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2943

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