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Nightingale Hall Question


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I've discoverd the Nightingale (I think it was called a Hall--don't remember exactly right now), a very short distance SW of Riften, marked by a cave symbol on my ingame map and HUD, and a monolith stone with a NIghtingale ectched on it in game. When I'm there I can't detect any discernable entrance.........when I approach the NH cave icon on my HUD, it slides to either L or R of center as I approach, and when I turn around the HUD cave icon is there again (as if I've walked over the entrance. This is the second such icon/location I've discovered in SR ( the other being on the shore of the northern ocean; between Dawnstar and Winterhold).


Can anyone tell me what's up with theseinvisible place entrances, and more importantly what do I need to do to access the Nightingale entrance (i.e. is it something to do with completing or at least participating in the Thieves Guild quest's in Riften?) TY!

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