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[request] riot and military shields


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was browsing the nexus and found this http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10747/? and it got me wondering fallout 4 is built on the same engine as skyrim why don't we have riot shields.



so I started to come up with an idea for them. saddly I can not mod.





Combat shields

info: large balistic shields designed to stop attacks from most sources.

use: offhand

use with: pistol or light/medium speed weapons.(one handed weapons)

function: when equipped removes aiming down sight and blocking in favor of raising or lowering the shield, also causes pistols to lose 10% accuracy when used (one handed firing)



concept sheilds



police shield

health: 200

blocks: low grade bullets, most melee

look: glass riot shield

mod slots:shield, handle, misc


shield mods


police glass(basic)

health: 200

blocks: anything doing less then 12 damage per hit.

damage stages

100% health: looks fine a little dusty

50% health: glass is cracked atleast one hole through it

25% health: several holes through it glass is nearly shattered

0% health: you are holding a the handle with only twisted metal connected to it.

note: explosives instantly break, so a grenade or mine will destroy this.


police metal

health: 250

blocks: anything doing less then 30 damage per hit.

damage stages

100%: the resource above, with glass in place of that open area

70%: lightly scratched, a dent or two in the metal

50%: several more dents in the metal, a scorch mark on the window

25%: huge dents in the metal, glass shattered in upper corner

10% glass destroyed

0%: metal is riddled with holes, lardge chunk taken off the top.



military metal

health: 400

blocks: anything that does less then 50 damage per hit

damage stages

same as police

look: olive green military plate, instead of black.




raider metal

health: 150

blocks: halves all damage (note this means blocks nothing, all riot shields halve damage from none blocked rounds and attacks)

looks: borken police glass with metal welded and bolted to it, generally used by melee raiders, and rarely pistol users.(this concept is based around the raider overhaul mod)



marine shield

info: lighter and bigger allows the user to tank most foward damage, at the cost of not having a misc slot.

note: is a unique mod likely found in far harbor.

health: 500

blocks: 75 damage per hit, 100 per explosive hit.



note on blocking: shields block upto a specific number on damage or damage type, with all damage from that going directly to the shield which has a DR depending on type to reduce damage to it. if damage is over that number user takes half damage while the shield takes FULL damage. this means a 100 damage shot will only do 50 damage to the player, but 100 damage to the shield.


this means shield blocks are completely different from melee blocks, though it also is there because of the projectile damage blocking.






note: handles determine how this functions, by default you have the shield raised when you drawl your weapon, other wise it is just on the model.



light grip handle (standard)

info: allows for easy holding of the shield while crouched but is hard to hold still while standing

note: shield wavers while standing, but while sneaking is stable


stealth grip

info: allows the user to move quitely while using the shield

note: same as light grip, but lowers movement noise


heavy grip

info: easy to hold no mater what

note: stabalizies the shield while standing




wheeled (armorer 2, gun nut 1)

info: place it and use as cover

note: allows you to place the shield, though at the cost of being able to raise it. once placed it is counted as a cover item, similar to how you can take cover behind a car, only you can pick it up afterwords.

warning: this means you can not raise the shield as you will just deploy it.

note 2: this makes it great for making cover points in settlements.


pistol rest (armorer 4, gun nut 3)

info: adds a pistol rest to the shield removing the 10% accuracy debuff from using a shield with a pistol.


flood lights (armorer 2, science 1)

info: adds two lights to the front of the shield, while they are on acts as a head lamp, with a bonus in the fact it can "blind" enemies who try to melee you.

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