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Battle Damage


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i don't know of anything that adds really visually impressive injuries, but there is a mod called Battle fatigue and injuries, made by kuertee, that adds long-term debuffs from being hit in combat. When you take a lot of damage, it adds battle fatigue, meaning that your body is weakened by all the damage and recovery. You also recieve injuries to specific body part, which grant specific debuffs. I don't know if the body part-specific debuffs are actually determined by where on your body you're hit though. The mod does include bandages for healing debuffs you gain in battle, but I mostly rely on sleeping my injuries away, so I've not actaully tired those out, so I don't know how that system works all that well.

It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but here's a link if you're interested:


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There is also the Deadly Mutilations mod, which is quite visual, involving severed limbs, crushed heads, disembowlement, etc. But as the title of the mod suggests, it applies when people are killed, so it won't change how living characters look after being hit.

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