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Newish to modding will my laptop perform with an enb?!


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Hello all, I'm fairly new to modding and pc gaming in general so bare with me here. My current playthrough of skyrim is running around 100 mods with skse. I'm wishing to install enboost as I've seen nothing but good things! and also wish to install an enb if my laptop specs allow it without too much of a performance hit. Would anyone be able to give me any tips or tricks when it comes to enbs for peace of mind? Also are they hard to Uninstall if you don't like the desired preset? I'm using nmm, loot, wyre bash and tes5edit if required. Pc specs are as follows;


Asus ROG GL752VW Gaming Laptop


. Skylake Intel i7 6700hq 2.60ghz quad core (over clock to 3.5ghz)


. 8gb ram ddr4 (could potentially upgrade to 16gb)


. Nvidia GTX960M 4gb vram (although it seems only about 3gb is actually useable)


. 2tb hdd for games and 128gb ssd for operating system (windows 10 anniversary 64bit)


Thank you in advance for any and all help, tips and tricks!

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