IAmTheClown Posted December 8, 2011 Share Posted December 8, 2011 Greets all,while waiting for the mod tools to come out, i thought id go and list which Shouts belong to which of the voice .fuz filesI just started, but have made some headway on the files for what i think is the female nord (Femaleeventoned), so i thought id post my findings. the files for the shouts can be found in voices.bsa in the skyrim data folder, and have Voicepowers_shout in the filename What I did:- i turned the files related to the shouts into .xwm files using Anaghim's voice file extractor (found Here)- then i used the xWMA encoder from the DX SDK to turn the xwm files into wav files (a tuturial of sorts is given here on the forums (not by me, but i used the info they gave ^^)) - play files and match to shouts (for easy file navigation i renamed and numbered the files, and wrote down the original names) note that for three-word shouts, the last 2 words are a single file. first words also tend to change depending on the time the shout key is held, so theres multiple files for those (havent gotten to that yet) EDIT: soz, the mlayout seems to have gotten a bit messy when i posted it, but it should still be legible enoughso, heres the list:original filename------------------ file number -- word(s) ---- shout, word numbers and/or comments voicepowers_shout01a_000e40bc_1 : voice_01 //Player seems to shout PEACE or PIIS, does not correspond to any shout i am familiar with, or is on the skyrim wikivoicepowers_shout01a_0005d168_1 : voice_02 YOL Fire_Breath_1voicepowers_shout01a_0009cd3f_1 : voice_03 ZUN Disarm_1voicepowers_shout01a_00013e03_1 : voice_04 FUS Unrelenting_Force_1voicepowers_shout01a_00048ac6_1 : voice_05 TIID Slow_Time_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068a18_1 : voice_06 LAAS Aura_Whisper_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068a45_1 : voice_07 //seems to be another version of HUN (Call of valor)voicepowers_shout01a_000445ea_1 : voice_08 WULD Whirlwind_Sprint_1voicepowers_shout01a_000687a9_1 : voice_09 FEIM Become_Ethereal_1voicepowers_shout01a_0006873d_1 : voice_10 FAAS Dismay_1voicepowers_shout01a_0006884a_1 : voice_11 KRII Marked_For_Death_1voicepowers_shout01a_0006884e_1 : voice_12 FIIK Clone_1 //(not available to players)voicepowers_shout01a_0006889e_1 : voice_13 KAAN Kyne's_Peace_1voicepowers_shout01a_0006892b_1 : voice_14 IZ Ice_Form_1voicepowers_shout01a_00050345_1 : voice_15 FO Frost_Breath_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068813_1 : voice_16 SU Elemental_Fury_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068814_1 : voice_17 LOK Clear_Skies_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068815_1 : voice_18 STRUN Storm_Call_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068816_1 : voice_19 JOOR Dragonrend_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068834_1 : voice_20 HUN Call_Of_Valor_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068845_1 : voice_21 OD Call_Dragon_1voicepowers_shout01a_00068846_1 : voice_22 RAAN Animal_Allegiance_1voicepowers_shout01b_0005d167_1 : voice_23voicepowers_shout01b_0009cd3c_1 : voice_24voicepowers_shout01b_00013e04_1 : voice_25voicepowers_shout01b_00048ac8_1 : voice_26voicepowers_shout01b_000445eb_1 : voice_27voicepowers_shout01b_000683a1_1 : voice_28voicepowers_shout01b_000683a2_1 : voice_29voicepowers_shout01b_000683a3_1 : voice_30voicepowers_shout01b_000683b1_1 : voice_31voicepowers_shout01b_0006838a_1 : voice_32voicepowers_shout01b_0006845b_1 : voice_33voicepowers_shout01b_0006845d_1 : voice_34voicepowers_shout01b_00050344_1 : voice_35voicepowers_shout01b_00068385_1 : voice_36voicepowers_shout01b_00068386_1 : voice_37voicepowers_shout01b_00068387_1 : voice_38voicepowers_shout01b_00068388_1 : voice_39voicepowers_shout01b_00068389_1 : voice_40voicepowers_shout01b_00068454_1 : voice_41voicepowers_shout01b_00068466_1 : voice_42voicepowers_shout01b_00068467_1 : voice_43voicepowers_shout02_0005d169_1 : voice_44voicepowers_shout02_0009cd3e_1 : voice_45voicepowers_shout02_00013e05_1 : voice_46voicepowers_shout02_00048ac7_1 : voice_47voicepowers_shout02_000445e9_1 : voice_48voicepowers_shout02_000684d4_1 : voice_49voicepowers_shout02_000684d6_1 : voice_50voicepowers_shout02_000684db_1 : voice_51voicepowers_shout02_000684dd_1 : voice_52voicepowers_shout02_000684e5_1 : voice_53voicepowers_shout02_000684ee_1 : voice_54voicepowers_shout02_000684f0_1 : voice_55voicepowers_shout02_000684f1_1 : voice_56voicepowers_shout02_000684f2_1 : voice_57voicepowers_shout02_000684f3_1 : voice_58voicepowers_shout02_000684f4_1 : voice_59voicepowers_shout02_000684f5_1 : voice_60voicepowers_shout02_000684f9_1 : voice_61voicepowers_shout02_000684fa_1 : voice_62voicepowers_shout02_000684fb_1 : voice_63voicepowers_shout02_00050347_1 : voice_64voicepowers_shout03_0005d16a_1 : voice_65 TOOR SHUL Fire_Breath_2,3voicepowers_shout03_0009cd3d_1 : voice_66 HAAL VIIK Disarm_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00013e02_1 : voice_67 RO DAH Unrelenting_Force_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00048ac5_1 : voice_68 KLO UL Slow_Time_2,3voicepowers_shout03_000445e8_1 : voice_69 NAH KEST Whirlwind_Sprint_2,3voicepowers_shout03_000684fc_1 : voice_70 RU MAAR Dismay_2,3voicepowers_shout03_000684fd_1 : voice_71 ZI GRON Become_Ethereal_2,3voicepowers_shout03_000684fe_1 : voice_72 //either grah dun (ele fury) or krah diin (frost breath)(probably grah dun)voicepowers_shout03_000684ff_1 : voice_73 VAH KOOR Clear_Skies_2,3voicepowers_shout03_000686fb_1 : voice_74 YA NIR Aura_Whisper_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00050346_1 : voice_75 //either grah dun (ele fury) or krah diin (frost breath)(probably Krah Diin)voicepowers_shout03_00068500_1 : voice_76 //sounds like a second vah koor, not sure why there are 2voicepowers_shout03_00068501_1 : voice_77 ZAH FRUL Dragonrend_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068503_1 : voice_78 KAAL ZOOR Call_Of_Valor_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068504_1 : voice_79 AH VIING Call_Dragon_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068505_1 : voice_80 MIR TAH Animal_Allegiance 2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068506_1 : voice_81 LUN AUS Marked_For_Death_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068526_1 : voice_82 LOH SAH Clone_2,3 //(Not available to players, used by the greybeards)voicepowers_shout03_00068528_1 : voice_83 DREM OV Kyne's_Peace_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068529_1 : voice_84 SLEN NUS Ice_Form_2,3voicepowers_shout03_00068732_1 : voice_85 MEY GUT Throw_Voice_2,3 KNOWN: YOL TOOR SHUL Fire_Breath_1,2,3ZUN HAAL VIIK Disarm_1,2,3FUS RO DAH Unrelenting_Force_1,2,3TIID KLO UL Slow_Time_1,2,3LAAS YA NIR Aura_Whisper_1,2,3WULD NAH KEST Whirlwind_Sprint_1,2,3FEIM ZI GRON Become_Ethereal_1,2,3FAAS RU MAAR Dismay_1,2,3KRII LUN AUS Marked_For_Death_1,2,3FIIK LOH SAH Clone_1,2,3 //(Not available to players, used by the greybeards)KAAN DREM OV Kyne's_Peace_1,2,3IIZ SLEN NUS Ice_Form_1,2,3FO (XXX XXX) Frost_Breath_1SU (XXX XXX) Elemental_Fury_1LOK VAH KOOR Clear_Skies_1,2,3STRUN (XXX XXX) Storm_Call_1JOOR ZAH FRUL Dragonrend_1,2,3HUN KAAL ZOOR Call_Of_Valor_1,2,3OD AH VIING Call_Dragon_1,2,3RAAN MIR TAH Animal_Allegiance 1,2,3(XXX) MEY GUT Throw_Voice_2,3 TO DO:Determine files of :ZUN (throw voice 1)KRAH DIIN (Frost Breath 2,3. File known to be either 72 or 75)GRAH DUN (Elemental Fury 2,3. File known to be either 72 or 75)BAH AO (Storm Call 2,3) Determine nature of:23 through 64, as well as 1,7 and 76Currently unknown, are either :- altered forms of the first word of a shout (preparing for the other 2)- the second word of a shout- Fragments of a shout, used when a shout is stopped? Do the same for the other character voices enjoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manel3873 Posted April 20, 2018 Share Posted April 20, 2018 Thanks it's very useful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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