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Usable Barenziah Crown


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Recently I tried switching the Barenziah completed crown from it's Quest clutter mesh into another existing mesh for a helm, a few things I came across issue wise is that the crown is set on the floor of the mesh for one, secondly the crown only has one size so while I havent gotten a working version to test it's appearance I could only imagine it'll need a resizing.


I don't know much on modding but from what I can tell this seems like a reasonably simple adjustment, most of the work seems done though Im sure an issue could be a lack of hair but if you use a circlet mesh file would that leave the hair in place?


Barenziah's crown is located in the BSA's Clutter > Quest section, I did manage to get it to show up by simply replacing it with an existing helm but it appears on the floor and the head seems to be missing but that could just be a conflict with mesh spine locations or placements and what not.

Edited by Spiralwolfz
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