Yickfou Posted December 8, 2011 Share Posted December 8, 2011 (edited) I have always loved eat/sleep mods because they cause me to slow the **** down and enjoy the sounds and sights and imagined smells of Tamriel. Not a single one of my fond memories of elder scrolls games revolves around some ingenious plot point Bethesda came up with, or an epic scripted boss fight. Nope, all of my fond memories are from chasing deer through the woods with a battleaxe... So here is my wishlist. SURVIVALThis should be an entirely new way to play. Surviving a day is the challenge, saving the world should be near impossible. 1)No Fast Travel. Ever. In a world in which modders had no life I would ask them to make the carriage still work but carry you from town to town and make you enjoy the ride :) 2)No Waiting. Only Sleeping 3)Eat/Sleep requirementsFood- Much scarcer. Harder to lift stuff out of peoples homes to munch, crops are owned. You need to kill your food for a good meal. You need to sleep. Not only do you need to sleep, but you need to sleep on something softish. A nice warm bed at the inn is more comfortable than the deerskin you roll out in the rain. Possibly there is a sort of "comfort" stat hidden or otherwise that modifies the effectiveness of food stuffs and sleep. After a few days of sleeping in poor conditions and eating nothing but sweet-rolls you start to deteriorate. 4) Eating raw food gives you diseases. 5) Should include a mod like Debilitating Diseases and Deadly Traps. Every trap should kill you if it hits except bear traps and such which should cause ... 6) WOUNDS: Status effects that are fairly dire and require medical assistance or divine intervention to fix, possibly even crippling one of your limbs (try dual casting fire with no hand @$$ :) 7) Darker nights and darker caves (making those deadly traps hard to see, and those pretty magelight spells not utterly pointless) 8) Jobs: Work in an Apothecary or smithy. Possibly even become teacher of a skill. Go to work and make a modest sum that might afford you stable food, drink, and bed that your comfort level may approach something befitting a future savior of the world :) 9)Weather effects. Combat the cold with proper clothing and warm fires. Swimming in ICY water should be LIFE THREATENING and make firewood finally a very useful item. What about you guys? What amazing things did I leave off this list? Edited December 8, 2011 by Yickfou Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yickfou Posted December 8, 2011 Author Share Posted December 8, 2011 (edited) oops double post Edited December 8, 2011 by Yickfou Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simpson3k Posted December 8, 2011 Share Posted December 8, 2011 (edited) 8 ) Only one savegame per char, wich gets deleted at the chars death..means you die you have to start over :P Edited December 8, 2011 by Simpson3k Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seviche Posted December 8, 2011 Share Posted December 8, 2011 I'd like to see the type of armor you're wearing affect your travel movement speed. As in you can't "run" in heavy armor. You can only walk or sprint when not in combat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monkeyboi Posted December 8, 2011 Share Posted December 8, 2011 here's what i would like to see. during the tutorial you get shoddy weapons and armor, that barely work, and most bandits have this type of stuff too, now you can buy a decent sword/bow from a vendor, but it will cost you a decent sword should cost around 1000 septims, and you should almost never come across them in the wild. same goes for armor. hopefully this will make the game more difficult because you don't have a decent weapon for a while, and even better weapons (elven, ebony, daedric) are extremely expensive and rare in the wild. also, if possible, bring back weapon repairing with one more feature: if the weapon breaks completely it's gone for good (save a few exceptions, such as god weapons and quest weapons), and repairs should be suitably expensive based on the material of the weapon/armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jacob025 Posted December 10, 2011 Share Posted December 10, 2011 On 12/8/2011 at 3:08 PM, monkeyboi said: here's what i would like to see. during the tutorial you get shoddy weapons and armor, that barely work, and most bandits have this type of stuff too, now you can buy a decent sword/bow from a vendor, but it will cost you a decent sword should cost around 1000 septims, and you should almost never come across them in the wild. same goes for armor. hopefully this will make the game more difficult because you don't have a decent weapon for a while, and even better weapons (elven, ebony, daedric) are extremely expensive and rare in the wild. also, if possible, bring back weapon repairing with one more feature: if the weapon breaks completely it's gone for good (save a few exceptions, such as god weapons and quest weapons), and repairs should be suitably expensive based on the material of the weapon/armor.rep[airs should just be a part of the blacksmithing routine. I.e. get a couple steel ingots to repair your steel swords, get some malachite to repair glass armor, etc etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Timberwolf0924 Posted December 10, 2011 Share Posted December 10, 2011 This mod sounds good, I'd endorse it, but don't most traps kill you, especially the large swinging ones, they are strong, my Nord 2hw got smashed so many times, not the sneaky type to be honest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nate1232 Posted December 10, 2011 Share Posted December 10, 2011 I like most of the ideas you posted, especially the one about the eating requirement. I know there is cooking in the game but I haven't bothered to cook, let alone eat a single thing in this game. Its next to useless right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
punxdog Posted December 10, 2011 Share Posted December 10, 2011 Hiya, I made the Deadly Traps and Sickly Diseases Mod, and I've got one that meets some of the requests here, called Filling Food and Restful Sleep Adds in regen based on eating for magicka and stamina, optional removal of health regen [i turn mine off, hate the damm thing]. =============I'm still working on the traps, doesn't seem to be a way to crack the damage/effect done by traps that I haven't already covered, at least until the CK comes out unfortunately. Still haven't given up ha. The question above about traps, they don't all kill you in vanilla by any means at the lower levels [and regen makes them 'whatever' anyhow] and as you get stronger you'll hardly notice or care. I made them MUCH stronger and whilst many instant kill, there's still some chance [haha small however] that you can survive stepping on such a trap. Also add in 'subliminal traps' for a better visual experience. Going to team up with them [and the guy who did tougher traps] when the CK comes out in Jan. I don't usually watch forum posts but I'll poke my nose in here as I like RPG style ideas and if I can [and want to] do a mod based on ideas here, I'll put it out. Thx ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkweave Posted December 11, 2011 Share Posted December 11, 2011 (edited) I'd like to see the inventory compartmentalized and reduce the maximum carry weight substantially. For example I'd like to see the inventory split up into similar to this: Apothacery's satchel - holds up to 40 weight's worth of ingredientsSoul puch - holds up to 30 soul gemsBelt pouch - holds up to 25 potions, 15 vials of poison and 40 lock-picksCoin purse - holds up to 50,000 gold and 40 gemsBackpack - holds up to 120 weight of weapons, apparel, food and misc itemsWater-skin - holds up to 10 units of drink In an ideal world I'd also love for these to be displayed on the character but I imagine this would require a modification of every armor set in the game and probably isn't worth the time or effort. I feel that this combined with eating and sleeping requirements would result in much more realistic and immersive gameplay. You'd have to carry a lot less and so loot less and sell less. You'd have to buy food and drink and stay in inns a lot more so money would feel a lot more important than it currently does. I'd also love to make some changes to vampires such as; have night vision permanently on so that going out in the daytime is somewhat blinding, slow hp/stamina/magicka deterioration during the day at stages three and four, have eating raw meat replace the standard food and drink requirements so that you still have to eat but can stay at stage four if you wish and possibly buff the vampiric drain skill too. I certainly wouldn't say no to some improved sneaking mechanics such as water arrows for extinguishing light sources, a general visibility indicator rather than or in addition to how alert the most alerted enemy is na dmaybe even the ability to scale walls so that one can clamber along the rooftops under cover of darkness. Self-imposed limits on fast travelling work for me but I'd love to see repairing items become essential. It's far too easy to attain ridiculous amounts of gold in this game. Wish I knew how to mod... Edited December 11, 2011 by Darkweave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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