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Patch 1.3


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with 1.2. I lost my interface, no continue, load, new ect. couldn't play a darn minute.

Now, with 1.3, hoped that would be fixed, nope. still can't play.


Any known solutions or fixes for this out there?



As far as I know of there isn't any. Your best bet is to get a copy of 1.1. Reverting that. If it doesn't give you that option... Well... All I can say it "Google" is your best friend. ;)

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how does one go back to 1.1?



want to know the same thing. 1.1 was by far the most stable update for me. Could play the game for 5 or 6 hours without randomly crashing.

(actualy it still crashes but 5,6 hours is more acceptable then 10 -15 minutes.) Now i got constant crashes and blue screens wich i also had with the vanilla version.


think re installing and updating to 1.1 is the only solution for this or wait for another update.


don't get me wrong i love to play bethesda games their open world sandbox games are the best out there but i just wished the weren't so bugged

its very frustrating to see other games operate smoothly on my pc but the one you realy want to play is not

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