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Skyrim CTD everytime I approach a city


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Hi, I'm relatively new to the modding world, and I just decided to go crazy and download a bunch of mods because I was bored of vanilla skyrim, It was going well for a while until I started to notice that I would crash to desktop everytime I would approach a city, I'm not sure if it's all of the cities, but so far windhelm and winterhold crash everytime I get near.


I know that I have to list my load order on here, but I'm using mod manager and I don't know how to list them.


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you need to download LOOT. using the mod manager, if not you can download it manually and just use the folder they are in as reference on where to put them. LOOT, will choose the optimize load order that you need. first make sure all plugins are on, then activate LOOT. It will sort the plugins (automatically) according to the mods used (if there is red or yellow text--it will teach you on what to do/or ask from an expert). as for your CTD problem--I have that as well, am waiting for a reply on yours >.<;

Edited by baktol
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