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Yarharhar's Classpacks


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Hey everybody! I’ve been playing Skyrim (like all of you) and have been itching to get back into modding, like in the Oblivion days.


What follows in these next few posts is an outline/release schedule for a series of mods I am planning. I have been incredibly inspired by Bethesda’s gameplay philosophy of “you are what you play” and that is what these mods are about. They are ‘class packs’ which is essentially a perk tree tied to some gameplay stat or action (such as skills). They will allow many new types of characters and gameplay experiences to seamlessly form in the world; rewarding immersion and roleplaying. I am making lore-friendliness and balance with existing systems a priority.


This mod will NOT add new quests or locations (adding new equipment will be rare, as well). By focusing on things that I generally can develop quickly (scripting, perks, and powers) the mod can be developed faster and more time can be spent on balance.


Three classpacks are listed below, subsequent posts will describe them in more detail. They are listed in order of complexity (and also what their intended release order will be; I’ll feel more comfortable with the more complicated mods as I gain experience with the latest iteration of the CK). I would love feedback.


  • The Way of the Coin
    In mid-to-late skyrim, you end up with more money than you know what to do with( and no reason to use it!) This class aims to change that. It is a sister-class to speechcraft, using megawealth for convenience and influence in the world.
  • The Way of the Divines
    Skyrim is skewed towards questionable morality. Using daedric artifacts, breaking the law (and not getting caught or weaseling your way out of it), doing whatever is possible for power. This class measures and rewards ‘moral’ actions, with powers and a unique crafting system. Priests, paladins, even characters that just have a slight religious bent will be much more feasible.
  • The Way of the Wolf
    This classpack will deepen the werewolf experience, allowing you to take your character from someone who has a werewolf power, to being a character defined by their werewolfiness. This happens all without changing the core Werewolf mechanics.


Classpack FAQ

  1. Will I have to download all of the classpacks together?
    No, the classpacks will be modular.
  2. How will I add these new perks to my character?
    Each classpack will contain their own perk-tree menu, hopefully integrated seamlessly into the level up dialog like existing perk-trees. I have extension knowledge of SWF and most of my time leading up to the release of the Creation Kit will be based around understanding how they interact with Skyrim. I am also hoping to either make or be a part of whatever ‘universal’ solution will come out to make all these new perk-trees and their menus play well together (because I’m certain I’m not the only one going to be doing this sort of mod).
  3. Will these conflict with other perk mods?
    Probably not - Again, the only seemingly troublesome area is modifying swf dialogs to allow for extra-perk trees. Hopefully I (or someone else) will figure out a data-driven solution for making these all play nice(or the CK will have a solution built-in).
  4. Can I help?
    If you are a skilled modeler, animator, or 2d artist, get in touch with me. Currently I am planning on doing all of these parts myself, but it is time consuming. Any parts I can offload I would consider.
  5. Will these perk trees require the use of the SKSE or Script Dragon?
    I love those tools, but if I can avoid using them I will (the more external tools you use, the more you shrink the mod audience). I may make ‘vanilla’ and SKSE versions of classpacks if there is a power that really only works with the extender.

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The Way of the Coin




Skyrim, like Oblivion before it, has a problem with money in the late-game; it becomes worthless. You acquire more than you ever need or can use. At the same time, this scrooge-mduck level of cash has very little influence in the world outside of shops or bribing the occasional guard. The classpack addresses that – it makes a series of abilities than run on money, allowing you to do fantastic and fun things while at the same time making you care about septims even in the late-game. This in-turn, makes speechcraft a more viable tree.



The simplest explanation possible is that this is a magic skillset/tree that runs on money instead of magicka. Powers are a mix of summons and mind-control. Rather than having skill-level requirements like other perk-trees, these perks have gold requirements (You must be x-rich to unlock this ability).



Here is a rough sketch of the perk-tree layout and menu.

At first on the menu, you only see a darkened room with a few torches on the ground. These take the place of stars in the "Way of the Coin" perk tree.


The perk names show up on top of these torches, and have a connecting path of light, just as the constellation perk-trees do.


Selecting/buying one illuminates the torch, shows a bit more of the picture, and unlocks the next perk in the group. (just like a regular perk tree).



Perk Descriptions


Summon Branch

All summon 'powers' generate a follower. They cost *at least* the value of their equipment to summon and have a salary to keep them active, per-hour.

  • Summon Assistant
    Requires - 0 Gold in Inventory. Salary: 100g/hour
    A rather unskilled, cowardly, foppish (and hiliarious) butler type. He can make a few drinks and meals, but is primarily useful as a mule. He is paid to carry your burdens!
  • Summon Guard
    Requires - Summon Assistant, 10k gold in Inventory. Salary: 250g/hour
    Player gains the ability to summon a Warrior, Thief, or Assassin, skilled in their respective categories. They will probably be leveled to the player.
  • Summon Mage
    Requires - Summon Guard, 20k gold in Inventory. Salary: 500g/hour
    Player gains the ability to summon a Destruction Mage (which acts like a normal follower), or a Healing Mage. The Mage can be put on buff/support duty, keeping your stats above a certain level (to the best of his/her abilities).


Hire Branch

  • Hire Target
    Requires: 15k Gold in Inventory.
    Hires a targeted NPC for a set amount up-front and a salary of probably 250g/hour. These targets only have the ability to follow, stay, or be dismissed. If there is some way of measuring 'important-ness' I will do that to scale the hire cost and salary.
  • Air of Wealth
    Requires: Hire Target, 30k Gold in Inventory.
    While this ability is active, any aggressive humanoids within a certain radius of the player are pacified. The player must pay 50g/hour per humanoid to keep them pacified.
  • Air of Mega-Wealth
    Requires: Air of Wealth, 60k Gold in Inventory.
    While this ability is active, any aggressive humanoids within a certain radius of the player become allies. The player must pay 150g/hour per humanoid. These allies do not follow you.


Bounty Branch

  • Place Hit
    Requires: 10k Gold in Inventory.
    Probably the most 'fun' power of this tree. It gives the player the ability to put a price on a given NPC's head. The higher it is, the likely people around them will become aggressive. This action however does count as Assault/Murder by the player.
  • Kingpin
    Requires: Place Hit, 60k Gold in Inventory.
    Upgraded version of 'Place Hit'. Allows you to place hits on targets without it being traced back (ie. Avoiding bounty of yourself).


Buy Branch

The following two perks are...ambitious. They might be SKSE-exclusive perks, depending what functionality the Creation Kit exposes.

  • Buy Object
    Requires: 15k Gold in Inventory.
    Buy any owned object (that is not for sale) for 3x it's value.
  • Buy Room
    Requires: Buy Object, 100k Gold in Inventory.
    Purchase the cell you are in (probably for something like 25-50k a pop).



That's the outline for the first class mod. I'm typing out The Way of the Divines at this very moment. I really like the crafting system that has emerged out of it...

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The Way of the Divines




‘Good’ characters are at a disadvantage in skyrim. There is little to no difference between a saint and a criminal who doesn’t get caught (even the eyes of the Divines). The most steadfast paladin is pitifully equipped vs. an adventurer who decides to go into the grey area and cavort with Daedra and their artifacts. And don’t even get me started on enchanting – an entire system of magic (supported by most nations!) based on enslaving and binding the very souls of its victims.


This class changes that imbalance. By more directly measuring your character's moral fiber, a ‘good’ character becomes more viable (and rewarding!) but also more challenging. There is no being ‘good but not getting caught’ in the eyes of the divines.



The simplest explanation is that this is a crafting tree that runs on morality.


A metric is added to the player called “Piety” ( "Karma", “Faith” or whatever ‘good-term’ ends up getting used). This value goes up when the player does actions that are good, and goes down when the player does actions that are bad. As the cost of the perks increases non-linearly, the more morally questionable your character is, the more difficult/impossible it will be to have higher level divine perks.


But wait, there’s more! One of the first perks unlocked is the ability to receive a ‘Divine Favor’ while praying at an altar. These are objects in your inventory that at first work only as replacements for soul-gems, but later can gain new abilities.


More on Piety

Each ‘good’ action increases Piety a different amount. Doing many good actions in a row increases a multiplier that makes Piety increase at a faster rate. Doing anything bad resets this multiplier and likely takes some of this away.

Things that increase Piety

  • Praying at an altar
    Once-a-day per altar. It takes a few days for an altar to regain its full potential, making traveling/pilgrimage to different cities a very effective idea.
  • Killing Criminals/bandits/raiders/etc
  • Killing undead
  • Killing Daedra
  • Giving money to beggars
  • Shattering soul-gems at an altar (releasing the soul to the afterlife)
  • Destroying Daedric artifacts and equipment at an altar


Things that decrease piety

  • Stealing
  • Assault
  • Murder
  • Feeding as a Vampire
  • Feeding as a Werewolf
  • Feeding as a Cannibal
  • Trapping Souls
  • Summoning Daedra (this includes Atronachs)


Things that prevent piety from increasing

  • Having a Daedric artifact equipped
  • Having Daedric weapons/armor equipped
  • Being a vampire (50% piety gain rate)
  • Being a werewolf (50% piety gain rate)


More on Divine Favors

With specific perks unlocked, praying at altars affords you the chance to gain a Divine Favor. This chance is higher with a high piety (up to a maximum chance of 1/9, I’m thinking).


You have a chance of earning one of these blessed objects once a day (per altar). Praying to just one divine earns their attention, again increasing your chances. For example, for each day you only pray at Talos shrines, your chance of earning a Favor increases by 1. The first day you have a 2x chance, second day a 3x chance, all the way up to a 5x chance, where it caps.


Favors come in three sizes: Minor, Normal (unlabeled), and Major. Which size you earn is evenly random.


At first, Favors are only used as replacements for soul-gems. Minor is equivalent to Petty, Normal to Common, and Major to Grand. Perks unlock new uses, such as restoration and buff items.




Here is a rough sketch of the perk-tree layout and menu.

On the menu you'll see a holy-looking dude looking up at clouds in the sky with perspective-going on. The sky is parting and two beams of light shine down on his hands. Balls of light form chains up these beams, representing the perk-tree paths.



The perk names show up on top of these balls of light, and have a connecting path, just as the constellation perk-trees do. Selecting/buying one illuminate the ball further and unlocks the next perk in the group.




Perk Descriptions


Blessing Branch


8 ranks

Requires: Piety: 200/300/400/500/600/700/800/900

Perk allows for 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 blessings to be active at once.


Requires: Multi-Faith 1, Piety: 400

Player gains a power "Prayer" that they can use once a day. Gives them the blessing of their choice.

[*]Eternal Blessing

Requires: Prayer, Piety: 1000

Blessing never expire.


Favor Branch

  • Minor Favor
    Requires: Piety 200
    Player gains a small chance of gaining a Minor Favor while praying at an altar (or with the Prayer power).
  • Noble Beast
    Requires: Minor Favor, Piety 300
    Vampires and Werewolves no longer have a base-piety penalty. Vampires can use blessings to feed.
  • Favor
    Requires: Minor Favor, Piety 400
    Player can now gain a favor of a greater size while praying.
  • Energetic Favor
    Requires: Favor, Piety 500
    Favors can be used to restore stamina (Minor-25%, Normal-50%, Major-100%)
  • Magical Favor
    Requires: Energetic Favor, Piety 600
    Favors can be used to restore magicka(Minor-25%, Normal-50%, Major-100%)
  • Healing Favor
    Requires: Magical Favor, Piety 700
    Favors can be used to restore health(Minor-25%, Normal-50%, Major-100%)
  • Major Favor
    Requires: Favor, Piety 800
    Player can now gain an even larger favor while praying.
  • Aedric Smithing
    Requires: Major Favor, Piety 1000
    Aedric weapons can now be smithed. These use Dragonbone and Major Favors and form weapons with an iridescent, ivory like look. The weapons are superficially stronger than their Daedric counterparts (by about 4 points of damage) to represent that fact that the Aedric favor was given willingly, rather than forced as with Daedric. Armor is NOT included.


That's the Way of the Divines, as I currently see it. The Aedric weapons is one area I'd love to have some assistance in. I may start sketching and modeling them myself in a few days and post progress here.


The Way of the Wolf is next. It might be delayed until tomorrow - it's as detailed or more than this class.

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Hmm. The Way of the Coin seems a bit lackluster. I think it'd be more worthwhile as a mod that also works to make you money at the same time that it encourages you to spend it. Otherwise it's really, in my opinion, just an attempt at a late game money sink. I think it would work better if it involved the ability to buy actual stores and run them, giving the player an alternate method of money generation as opposed to dungeon delving/ looting the countless waves of bandits that just randomly appear. If you're a rich, influence-peddler, then why are you grubbing around in old tombs anyways?


The Way of the Divines sounds awesome, except that I see no drawbacks. As in, there should be a faction hit with "evil" factions, such as the Brotherhood of Assassins and The Thieves Guild. If you're going to be holy, you shouldn't be allowed to even consort with the "not holy." There should be a higher chance that assassins come at you as well.


To compliment that, you could also make a "Way of the Damned" for evil characters. It would, I think, require a major revamp of how the game treats crime. So it might be more of a total mod than a classpack. Who knows.


I am looking forward to see how your work turns out!

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Great idea!


Would your mod include balancing to melee, magic, enchants, smithing etc.?




As for devine; the possibility of portable shrines for prayer (small blessings), using the bigger shrines to pray for larger blessings.


Additional perk tree setups: (idea only)


Hunter / naturist.


Chaotic / Worship of daedric.


Rouge / thief


Slayer / against vampires and werewolves


A multiclass "spurr line" that allows a player to switch say from devine to chaotic but not allowing them to return to the previous class. Multiclass is only between 2 classes I.e devine/chaos, wolf/slayer, hunter/rouge. (Class names made up to allow you to see what I mean)


So say you start out wanting to be good and worship devine.. at a given point you are given the choice to carry on the devine path or move over to the darkside (once you've moved, all devine perks are cut off apart from the couple needed to aquired the "multiclass" perk. Once you've made the choice or aquired x amount of perk points the multiclass feature disables. Or for example with the devine class - perhaps if your piety falls -400+ it opens the multiclass "spurr line", choosing this disables certain devine perks. Im not sure! Lol.


Sorry for the formatting im using my phone to reply.


Great thread / mod! Hoping for other perk lines/setups!


By the way if my idea is not to your liking just dismiss it, that is why there are threads, its just a suggestion! :-)


Multiclassing could prove pointless but for those that wanted a change this would allow for it.



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Still typing out/balancing the Werewolf one.


My replies to current feedback...


Glad you find it interesting so far!

Good point on overusing beggars - I'll be sure to keep that once-a-day.



These are good points and I'm glad someone brought them up.


You are correct - The Way of the Coin is sort of intended as a money sink (I prefer the term 'use for money' :P )

I'm hoping that providing said use for money will make the speechcraft perks a bit more handy/reasonable to pick up.

The perks do have some effects which I think are pretty badass.


Let's take a generic scenario. A player needs to kill a bandit leader in his well-guarded camp.


Warriors would charge in and take no prisoners.

Assassins would sneak in and take out the mark with a well-placed arrow or poison.


Now how would someone with the "Way of the Coin" perks handle it?


They stroll in like they own the place (and with their perks and cash, they essentially do). None of the bandit thugs would move to attack them, as they are 'the man'. Then this filthy-rich badass would point at the Bandit Leader and say "Would somebody please kill him?" and watch, satisfied, as his own men beat him senseless.


Re: 'drawbacks-to-evil factions' in the "Way of the Divines". I've been considering this; it may prove neccessary after playtesting. I'm hoping I can get away with just making 'evil' actions penalizing enough that people doing thieves guild or dark brotherhood quests can't reasonably have any of these perks (because less work=more likely to finish!)

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