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Odd Civil War glitches.


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I've completed the Imperial civil war on many playthroughs, but I am seeing some odd things this time.


One of my house bards will now only sing the Stormcloak ballad, in spite of it being the Imperial version listed.


Some of the forts have lost their Imperial Garrisons and are occupied by Stormcloaks. The flag tables in the Stormcloak camps are slowly repopulating their stormcloak flag count.. a couple weeks ago the tables were bare or all red, as normal after an Imperial win.


The hold guards seem ok for now, although Jarl Merilis of Dawnstar now thinks I should talk to Skald for work, even though I am a Thane and have the home and Skald is exiled.


I've added nothing but appearance mods to my savegame. Never had this happen.


Anyway, just curious. I've searched for this with no results.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Still cannot find any info on this bug. I have 0 civil war mods.


At this point Forts Dunstad, Greenwall, Karstad and Fort Amol are garrisoned by The Stormcloaks. Even though those garrisons are nothing but loot pinatas to me, it annoys me to see the Stormcloak banners flying.


The cities seem ok, But now Jarl Merilis has moved out of the Jarl's hall in Dawnstar. So.. I assassinated Skald.


The war tables now show Stormcloaks holding Dawnstar, Winterhold, Rifton, Windhelm, and the small towns of those holds.



Edited by TeofaTsavo
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